I was actually just looking for a NIR panel for my shoulder injury.

Then I saw some RED light videos on skin health and I tried the panel on my face. I am a 50 year old male and I still get acne, especially when I use sun screen on the face. Red light completely clears it up in 4-5 days. If I do not treat then it takes about 3 weeks before it come back.. First time ever, I have been 100% acne free 😀 I

I purchased them to my daughter and it stopped the rapid myopia progression

Nu er det mange år siden jeg kørte en dag, det kostede det 130 kr. Men Google det

1463 euro all included. Ordering not a problem, just send them an email and I transferred the funds.

Just keep your lane and signal with your body (confidence) that you are staying in your lane? No need to look at them.

They will move. I do this with groups, singles, baby strollers who want all of the sidewalk and leave no space for me, people on bicycles etc.

Show propose and no fear is the way.

If there is a group of people I walk straight through them and if they are in the way I gently move them and say excuse me.

If you move like a possible victem, they will see you as such

Gå i huslejenævnet. De besigtiger boligen og giver dig dit indskud tilbage. Koster ikke alverden og alle kan køre en sag.

I have the RDPRO 6000. It is a great panel with very high output. Have been using it for 2 months. For me it is too strong to be used every day, so I use it every second or third day.

The best benefit has been to my face, but I also feel a difference in recovery after training. It did not do anything for my shoulder injury though, which was why I initially purchased it. It also lifted my mood in the winter

Min købervejleder da jeg købte hus. For 1 måned siden.


My friend. Sex is wonderful and of you like it and your partner don't. Try to solve it. If that does not work, then move on.

Do not let yourself be deprived of the closeness that comes with good sex

Det tror jeg ikke er lovligt, at en salgskontrakt ikke indeholder et Bank og advokatforbehold.

Bare sørg for at få advokat og bankforbehold med

It might also be that sentient beings at some point realise the risk that comes with contacting other lifeforms are too high.

There might only be fear of the boogeyman..

I have started to drive somewhere nice in nature.. go for a walk and then sit in the car.. meditate a bit and fall asleep for about on hour. Nice and warm in winter with heat on. Love it.. Peaceful

Don't be so narrow minded. Contrails from airplanes trap heat from earth and should be avoided.

Sometimes crazy people are right even though it is for the wrong reasons


Be kind but do not be a people pleaser. Just be who you really are. All your emotions are important and useful. Also your anger.

Your work is not who you are!

Your personal connections are the most important asset you have in life.

Be not afraid to feel and talk about your trauma, it sucks in the beginning but it gets easier and they will eventually stop controlling you.

It is ok to not do anything. Not to always have a purpose or something to do. Full relaxation without guilt is important.

People will not reality like you more because you are wealthy. They are attracted to your money not the real you.

Let everyone see the real you, and someone will love you and others not. Be kind and do everything for everyone and everyone will like you but no one will love you,

Brug dog denne unikke mulighed for at lære at sige fra over en som hende. Der kommer flere i dit arbejdsliv senere.

Du har en god pointe. Og tænk på hvor meget tid du sparer og følelsesmæssig engagement 😀

No coffe for 1,5 years and almost no caffeine (some chocolate here and there).

Took me 6 months before I felt normal. My energy levels are more natural now, when I am tired I feel tired and rest.

It was VERY difficult to stop and if everyone knew just how addictive caffeine is they might reconsider their consumption.

Jeg boede 9 måneder i Ekaterinburg, Rusland i 1998 for at lære at tale Russisk. Havde en idé om at det ville være en god kombi at tale Russisk og have en erhvervsuddannelse.

Det var før hurtigt internet, skype osv. så det føles meget langt væk.

Det er ret simpelt. Betal dyreste lån af først uanset størrelsen.