And I'm just trying to call out the silly logic that you said in your original comment because it's just allowing things to stay as it is.

For example, "You could fight your entire life for changes, but eventually you reach a plateau and place of understanding that will change you so that you wouldn’t change it even if you had the ability, because you see that it must exist. It has to exist or none of it will".

This type of thinking is what I'm talking about when I say, I feel like you hold a deterministic philosophy. You assume everyone will end up with a doomer view and accept the world as it is rather than strive to change it.

To live a fulfilling life by bettering yourself and the lives of those around you, that you love, would require you to actively participate in activism within the system (the government) that directly impacts your day to day life and the culture you experience.

We may be the underdogs within the system but we can at least strive to fix it.

I would disagree about the "many" that changed the world did not set out to do so. Many mathematicians, physicists, scholars or freedom fighters/martyrs did so knowing there message/action/discovery would change the world. They may have not known to what extent. Many other people that did change the world also had zero idea that what they did would matter later on.

You are right that many people won't effect the world in a meaningful way but to discourage those from even trying is kind of a poor way to elicit change from them. Be more positive and stop spreading this doom and gloom approach of not carrying.

Apathy typically leads to people not caring to even learn about the thing they are apathetic too. This was no attempt at calling you out for "being an uniformed voter" but if the shoe fits then...

I have this feeling that you hold a deterministic philosophy which isn't very conducive to empower people to change or even challenge the system that they are in. When you say things like "illusion of choice within a finite set of outcomes" it tends to lead people to believe that they are powerless. You can make choices with in a system, even if they aren't within the accepted tradition of that system (see coups for a system like government). Not to mention a deterministic philosophy tends to lead people to rationalize crappy behavior.

We've seen the power of single individuals and how they can effect a society/nation. It's silly to project this type of view that we don't have control and that we are insignificant. All it takes is a bunch of people to band together and overthrow a government and things will drastically change.

I think you are right in many ways but are misguided in how much power the "working class" people have. I think you have fallen victim to the rhetoric that the rich/powerful want you to have. I do believe there is a balance of what we (the working class) should care about. Choosing not to vote is a choice but isn't as equally powerful choice as the choice to vote.

You are a 100% right that there are many issues that is fed to us by our society to keep us distracted. Just make sure you see through the other silly beliefs that they try to feed us.

Apathy and hopelessness to the system is exactly what "they" (the rich and/or powerful) want you to have. Really staying an informed voter is your civic duty.

Sure there are things that we can't change with in our lifetime but we can at least try to make it better by voting. Sadly to be an informed voter means you have to care.

God we need to bring back bullying...

See you showing me this and being passionate about this raised awareness and now I learned something new!

But real talk, they want you to be apathetic and not care. It’s a goal for majority of the super wealthy to stay “hidden” in a sense.

So you must care, and you must stay informed!

That’s a baseless claim and a lie. People make political statements and commit terrible atrocities in the name of beliefs and politics. Heck, we have an all volunteer military (no conscription) so those people also are willing to die for our geopolitical foot print and country.

My guy, face it.. you shouldn’t just bend the knee because it makes your life better/easier. Maybe care about your family and others by voting. Vote with your ideals and community representation! Make it better!!

Never said that, but I would "fight" with the most powerful tool we have available to us now in the U.S. and that's voting. If that fails then we can talk about civil wars because there are definitely people who are willing to die to have the freedom to vote.

To add to an edit: Sometimes raising awareness is the start to solving a problem.

Because people have a moral and ethical obligation to learn and know the truth about their situation. Capitalism is inherently immoral (we take advantage of others to produce goods for cheap) and we should actively try to break free from immoral behavior so we have a shot at world peace.

"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you believe in atrocities". It is our civic responsibility to be informed voters so that we can be an active in the checks and balances of our society.

Actively look for truth even if it brings discomfort because that's our only shot at change. The moment you live in blissful ignorance is the moment people start taking advantage of you. "Be the change you want to see in the world".

A job, it’s pretty normal to have a part-time job while going to school. (Majority of the non traditional students did when I went through). You will realize quickly that school doesn’t take up a 40hr work week even in STEM.

You sound frustrating to work with...Shit happens but gotDAMN!

Standby doesn't mean leave and not be ready for a call/text to happen (even if you have a replacement).

Maybe you should standby for this NJP and restriction...