TIL that Plattensee is not a location in Germany... Never been there before, just heard about it and assumed 😂

Love the concept but I have to correct you - if Eloise gets a "Jo March" arc she will end up settling down and having kids with a great guy who loves her the way she is and supports her activities. Not a bad arc at all, just not a spinster arc either. Jo March is a badass and loves her family and Eloise can certainly do both as well.

She does in the books too. Jo is happily married with kids to a great guy who respects and supports her independence.

Dan and Emma. If Hermione's parents are mentioned by name in one throwaway line and not actually characters in the story, I can just about get past it. If they are named characters of any significance and they are called Dan and Emma I quit immediately.

It's the fixing it later that's the key here. People are allowed to write as badly as they want to in their first drafts! But when it's clear that their first draft is what they published, without even doing a sweep for basic grammar and spelling, then that's annoying. If the author doesn't care enough about their fic to read the chapter through again before posting, why should I care enough to read the chapter through at all?

This only works if you say aunt to rhyme with font. If you say it like I do, rhyming with ant, then this ends up sounding like ankle 😂

My aunt sometimes jokingly calls me her "niece-phew" - that was how she always referred to my mom's pregnancies before the sex was announced 😂 Mostly though she either introduces me as her sister's oldest kid or her niece, depending on how she thinks the reaction will be from the person she's introducing me to (and I'm fine with both).

Former Level 6

You can definitely put no and get an in-person interview, I believe that's still a hold-over from COVID times. I had that same question in my interview scheduling email and said no and just went in for a face to face interview. Well, mask to mask because I was actually hired during COVID 😂

I grew up with five younger siblings and we were in the same state as the Weasleys - had a place to live, had enough food, didn't have much money for anything else, mostly wore hand-me-downs, and didn't get enough individual time with our parents. I have some minor psychological issues from mental health problems in the family but as far as I'm aware (and I'm closer to my siblings than I am to my parents), none of us have ever done illegal drugs or stolen anything (outside of candy from each other). And the underage drinking was supervised by my parents.

Of course, I have some religious trauma, which has been fun to work through, but the Weasleys wouldn't have those issues. Not all poor families have skeletons in the immediate family closet. Some of them are just people who love each other but have too many kids and not enough money.

Have you tried contacting Customer Support?

That explains why I saw a South African flag at a protest last week! I was wondering, although not enough to actually look it up myself, so thanks for answering that question.

Thanks! I knew she looked vaguely familiar but I've only watched the Wonderland spin-off once. Maybe this is my sign that I need to watch it again, since I did enjoy it 😂

Who's the upper left? I can identify all the others but don't know who that one is!

No, that's emulation. You're thinking of learning a language by surrounding yourself with it.

Former Level 6

Get your L4 and train on board! That way the nightmares stop being full of beeps and instead, you may wake up your wife in the middle of the night by yelling "Bring that back, it doesn't have tomato!"

Former Level 6

Worked there for 2.5 years, it's a great store and I miss it so much!

Imagine 28 years of Braxton-Hicks contractions

If she is in Slytherin and joins the DA, don't have her be the only one. People aren't just black and white and I refuse to believe that there was not a single Slytherin who would have joined if given the option.