Screeching on the Front Lawn

Yeah. That was like 15 years ago tho. I had no clue what DARVO was. I wish I have had words for what was happening back then. I just knew he was sus af and got mad. Having words for what he's doing would've made the whole argument much easier

What helped me a lot was what the doc said when I got diagnosed: with AuDHD it can be that one thing it's stronger than the other. It's a spectrum after all. You got more symptoms of this or of that, although many symptoms do overlap, too. That sometimes makes it hard to tell. But it's different for everyone.

For me personally it changes day-to-day but feels like 2 cats in a bag fighting who'll be allowed to get out first. Autism's much more polite about it tho XD

Sorry, I know he's cute, but I had to downvote it. He's this young, yet already learned that showing emotions is bad and that he must be going through things alone, hiding his tears and denying his feelings. That makes for an emotionally imbalanced, unhealthy adult. I really pity this child.

That first dog's me when AuDHD kicks.

The autism: O.O this is against the rules! This isn't right! Here, take it back!

The ADHD: Gooooood, can we PLEASE GET GOING???

Autism: Excuse me, second dog. You're stressing me out a bit. Just pick up that leash already!

ADHD: LOL second dog! You dropped it again, haha!

Autism: On another note: what is third dog doing? That's not right! I mean, rules are rules for a reason, right?!


Autism: God, I can't stand this whole ordeal, my whole body's itching!

ADHD: I'LL GET HIM!!!!! runs off to break said rule in order to enforce it

Watch me just telling them: "Ok, I'll talk to my supervisor. Have a good day!" and leave before they can get another demand out of their mouth.

Next time I'd see my supervisor, I'd be telling them about this guy and his weird demands. So I even spoke to my supervisor about it. Sadly, that didn't help

Screeching on the Front Lawn

Yeah. He thought himself to be smart while he really isn't.

Also, he came up with that second lie after they had sex a few times and he was scared she'd contact me.

Screeching on the Front Lawn

Damn you and your very reasonable trust issues that he brought upon himself!!!


That happens and it's nothing bad really. If you see it becoming too much, calm down. Slow down, maybe go back to cuddle only and talk a bit before going on again.

Take all the time you need and actually start with the goal of just exploring what is overstimulating you and when. That way you're always at ease to say "hey, this is too much!", because pointing that out becomes the whole point. Make it a game for the two of you to understand yourself better :)

Screeching on the Front Lawn

Yep. Found out he told her he was in an open relationship. They had sex. Then he told her I was suicidal and would kill myself if I ever knew. He thought he would be smart. She was worried and felt guilty out of her mind and tried to check my profile for evidence because she really wanted to tell me but couldn't bring herself to it because of the unspoken"what if"s. We're still friends XD

Screeching on the Front Lawn

I love the randomness of that. Why flamingos???

Screeching on the Front Lawn

My childhood friend would wake up in the middle of the night, sit straight up and panic because she didn't see me. "Snackgirl_Currywurst? SNACKGIRL_CURRYWURST?!?"

I'd be like: "Yes, I'm here. You're asleep. Go back to sleep."

Friend: "I'm asleep?"

Me: "Yes."

Friend: "Oh. But you're here?"

Me: "Yes."

Friend: "Oh."

Proceeds to stare into the abyss until I tell her again to lay down and go back to sleep.

She did that a lot and never had any memory of it. Her little brother was the same XD

Screeching on the Front Lawn

Exactly. They think they're not being caught anyways, that's why they're doing it in the first place. That's also why they're never prepping for the case of being caught

Screeching on the Front Lawn

1:1 my ex.

Me: "Hey, this woman is visiting my profile on this website a lot. I've seen her being friends with you. You know what she's up to?"

Him: "I have no clue, why would you even ask me?? Don't you trust me??? Just ignore her, she's just trying to provoke you! If you ever talk to her, you don't love me!!!!" Proceeds to be pissed for the next 4 hours

Oh I'm sure you didn't mean to grab my arse, but you 100% meant to grab an arse.

Yep. That's the issue. There must be a good pun with tearing them a new one, too. I just can't think of one.

My ex had that happen to him at carnival when we dressed him up as an angel because he had gorgeous golden locks. He's also got a beard tho. He turned around with a WTF?!?-expression and the guy was SHOCKED. Harasser was so scared, he followed us 2 blocks to apologize. He was out of it XD

but always feared the "ok, let's go" reaction.

Well, you can always counter with a: "You don't want that. Now get lost!". But pretty sure they'll be super confused and apologetic as well. They're scared to get beaten up and they're scared they might be seen as gay (because toxic masculinity is pretty phobic)

Ugh, I had one guy trying to do this to me when I was 14. Disgusting.

Booze for the birthday of a 10 year old? Huh??

Oh, I've been randomly hit with the old: "You've been so ungrateful once when you've been a toddler and threw a tantrum!" when I was 19 still.

Yeah, men don't get hugged often and that's terrible. Men need cuddles as much as women do. I cuddle mine a lot and he loves it xD That's an explanation, not an excuse tho. I think for some it's not that they want to avoid anything bad for others or gain anything good for themselves. They just want to avoid anything bad for themselves and don't care for the rest. Like, if you bump into a guy, does that make you gay? (Hypothetical question, of course that's bullshit). Or will he maybe be aggressive and start a fight? I think that's what they're trying to avoid.

Meanwhile, women aren't only nice to touch, they're also nice themselves. They'll probably apologize TO YOU if you bump into them. So yeah, you'll feel stronger and seen and a bit sexy and in charge,... I think there's a ton of reasons at play.

Btw: don't worry, I'm not taking this as a lecture or something bad and I'm not trying to argue. I'm just enjoying your input :)

Oh yes, absolutely. That's why I quoted it and wanted him to feel weird when being touched as well.

Even if men are not enjoying themselves, they're still bumping into women WAY more often than they'd bump into men. They just don't care. And they think it's flirty. And they think they won't get any backlash.

The amount of people that bumped into me today (I've been at a rather crowded place, stood still for like 20 minutes, counted and watched) was 5 men vs 0 women. Noone of those men bumped into a man after bumping into me. Weirdly enough, I've been the one with the most space around me, compared to all the men they managed to fully avoid. And it wasn't anything sexual. More like a shoulder tackle (stroke) of sorts.

This actually was what reminded me of this story and made me post it XD

Yeah, for Florida it seems to be age 18 AND finished high school. So you'll have 2 months to prepare between school and the possible kick-out. I'm sorry you got to go though this.

Love that one, too! I'll remember it for the next time, thanks a bunch :)

This special cookie of a boomer I wanted to teach a lesson about consent tho. Hope he got it