417 days

My cravings for sugar sky rocketed when I stopped drinking! Ice cream was my go to!

I would either bring a gel or a mousse and my hot sock so I can diffuse with the hotel blow dryer.

My mom wore Chanel No. 5, from the tiny bottle and it doesn't smell the same way now as I remember it from 55 years ago!! (I'm old) Does anyone else remember the scent differently?

From a distance, this reminds me of an abstract apple core, and closer up, it has a relief map aspect to it. I love the colors.

I am far from an expert, but I like both of them!! They just give your room different vibes. The blue one matches with your color scheme and is more traditional. The red stripes contrast with your color scheme in a complementary color and the wide stripe also contrasts with the smaller print of the pillow on your couch. If you do the red stripes, when you get a new rug, you could bring in some more red in the rug as well.

I think that sounds like more than enough. Every home is different and you know best what works in your house.

417 days

Quit lit really helped me. I read Alcohol Lied to Me by Craig Beck and This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. Both helped motivate me by changing my mindset. I listened to them on audiobook; each several times.

Get a sun shirt and wear it in the pool and at the beach.

That is so pretty!! It looks beautiful on your hand!!

I have both and use the 12 inch so much more. The 10 inch seems a lot smaller.

Great job! I am also starting again after giving up and I'm alcohol free this time too! We got this!

When I was a kid, I remember kissing a great aunt that shaved and disliking the lip stubble. Does shaving create that?

I’ve seen 2 and was brought to tears each time! An amazing experience!!

Brown butter, toasted slivered almonds and poppy seeds! So delicious!!

I like them too! A shawl was my first wearable because it was easy. I wear it like a scarf/wrap.

417 days

Another book that helped me was “Alcohol Lied to Me” by Craig Beck. I agree, reading it was like a switch flipped in my head and I didn’t really want to drink anymore. I also loved “This Naked Mind” by Annie Grace. Both books really helped change my mindset to help me WANT to quit.

Yes! The audio book is amazing! I have listened to it probably 20 times. It draws you into a beautiful, magical world.

That was fun and surprisingly difficult!!

Strands #1 “Mark my words” 🔵🔵🔵🔵 🔵🟡🔵

We did a crossing on the QM2 and it was amazing! There is so much to do! Guest lecturers, planetarium shows, classes, a full library, a game checkout library, and of course all the trivia etc. It is an ocean liner. The recent movie with Meryl Streep Let Them All Talk was filmed on the QM2 during a transatlantic crossing. It is pretty good.

417 days

We were on a cruise and appreciated the non-alcoholic martinis! We have also been experimenting at home with diet ginger beer mixed with other things. We have a soda stream and like lime mixed in, and drink diet sodas too sometimes. If I'm having people over for dinner that drink I'll have n/a wine while they have the alcohol version. I bring a bottle of n/a wine to book club. We also drink decaf coffee in the evenings. We put sweetened cold foam on it (kind of like whipped cream) and it's pretty good!