At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge.

I don't even know how many levels there are... I don't know what the ending looks like... I don't even what the 5th level looks like. It's a 2d platformer.

1st level is easy enough, it tricks you into a false sense of security.

2nd level is those damn monkeys to swing from and the giraffes to jump on..... Very, very hard and timing based.

3rd level is the stampede, again very hard. Rarely made it here, but if I did I made it to 4th level.

4th I barely remember cause I only saw it a couple times. All I remember is that Simba was in his teenage years, instead of a cub like before.


I'll play old Pokémon games with an emulator on my phone though.

I can't even get into a GTA game anymore....

I think I burnt myself out back in the GTA3 - San Andreas era.

Why not have video game AND social media addiction?

I know a lot of us do.

As a kid I could play games all day everyday.

As a 36 year old, I'm only good for 2-3 hours at a time tops.

I gotta get up, or go to sleep... Whatever it is I just gotta do something else. I can't play all day anymore.

I gave up on that one.

Thinking about going back to Xenoverse 2 since it's on PS Plus and I don't own the disc anymore.

Except you are ignoring how the democrats say the same shit when they lose......

Where was the non peaceful transfer of power? You must have seen something different than everyone else. Has Joe Biden not been president since inauguration day?

Ignoring reality doesn't make your version true. Stop lying.

Funny how the entire power of Washington couldn't get him for anything....... Even after 8 years of trying.

How sad for you that you believe all the propaganda.

Still can't name the crime........ And neither can ANYONE in Washington.

Wanna try again?

So ya.... You're gonna ignore it because it's an inconvenience for your narrative.

Back when I was still drinking, I could drink whiskey like it was water and I was nowhere near addicted.

Had a few super alcoholic girlfriends in a row and it completely turned me off from drinking.

Also, I normally ended up being the driver, so ya had to stop that too.

Any telltale game...... I hate those games though.

I've only gotten the ones that have come across ps+ free games.

Omg I did the same..... Can't go back to the PS4 version.

Those load times are outrageous.

"But they haven't"

You're really saying democrats haven't spent the last 8 years trying anything and everything to get rid of Trump?

How do you even say that with a straight face? Is it the same way you say Biden isn't a vegetable, when he clearly is? And you wonder why nobody takes liberals seriously.... You can't even be honest about that.

Also...... What crimes? You can't just say that without anything to back it up.

Right..... These people are perfectly happy electing a literal corpse just to say "orange man bad"

So we're gonna ignore how democrats say the same shit every time they lose an election? Of course you are, you've got an agenda to push.

Also, when hasn't there been a peaceful transfer of power?

Get outta here you propagandist and stop willingly ignoring the same shit the democrats do.

I wish Pokémon was on ps cause I want to play them, but don't want to get a Nintendo switch.