What most companies do is to keep the incentives high but they raise quotas. So most reps don’t really make a lot of money but the top performer makes bank. Then, company will congratulate the top rep, send him to Hawaii on presidents club, give him a raise and make other want to be in that spot. True story

What a great comment right here. I took adderal once while I finishing my masters and it helped me greatly in that one day. Being doing sales for 15+ years and always wondered if I would do better if taking it daily at work.

So glad to read a coherent and experience based comment like yours.

I do feel tired many times. Coffee sometimes feels like just not enough. But I know what I do best at sales; champion building. That human connection, understanding what prospects are not saying and ability to read the room is just not something that adderal can help me with

Drank 2 old fashions at dinner in May.

You don’t ask for that. You ask if she wants to be your girlfriend and you tell her why you want that, with compliments

How old is she? Anything with water, bubbles and balloons should do the trick

Responsibility, decisiveness, courage and generosity

500K no doubt. I will save enough to retire and be free

OP do not take this one above as the only truth. Reddit loves to tell people to break up immediately!!!

Relationships can be messy sometimes and mistakes can happen. If he loves you and respects you, you should want to be together. The issues you are facing are fixable but requires communication. Tell him, what you told us. Maybe he is just not seeing it the way it is. Sex can be a tricky convo if his libido is now much lower than yours. Doing something sexy goes a long way to keep the flame burning.

Just talk to each other, talk often and don’t hold back your feelings. You will figure it out together.

Statistically speaking, the odds are that you will break up and have other boyfriends. You’re 20, don’t get too attached

What are her reasons? Can she work on them to want a sex life with you? If she is not working on it, break up and move on. Sex is crucial

Your husband sounds like a little bitch. The difference between a man and a boy is that the man embraces responsibility towards others

That’s terrible advice. It will not work. Both parents need to be on the same page or one will build whilst the other demolishes any development. It will lead to frustration and resentment.

OP, about diet, bring a doctor to the loop and try to scare your wife with the reality of obesity.

Treat each topic separately, start with top priority

A blowjob. Not being funny or trashy. This will surprise him in a very meaningful way.

I avoid making a mess and my wife cleans whatever mess she makes. We both clean up after our son daily but he is beginning to help lately

When you asked her why she sat next to him, what did she say? Is there is a logical reason I would try my best to understand it. If she invalidates your feelings or dismisses your question I would find it very hard to trust her.

Also, are you the type of guy who is always jealous and insecure? If you are, you’re probably, making a big deal out of this. If this is the first or one of the very few in a long time type of situation where you questioned her loyalty without making assumptions, then you probably should trust your gut