I can forgive how ridiculous it looks because she’s crazy good in combat.

Ricarda: According to multiple sources, Ricarda is the German feminine version of Richard, meaning “powerful leader”.

Richelle: This name is a softer and more feminine pronunciation of Richard, with the same spelling contained within.

Rikki: This name is a diminutive form of Richard, often used as a nickname or given name.

Ricki: Similar to Rikki, Ricki is another diminutive form of Richard, often used as a nickname or given name.

Ricardina: This name is mentioned as a feminine version of Richard, although it’s not as commonly used as other options.

Rachel: Some sources suggest Rachel as a possible feminine version of Richard, although it’s not a direct translation.

There’s I believe a couple of skins in a hidden free section of the battlepass, you need to get the pass to level 50 to unlock them.

And they bring up William Adams, just as I said to someone else, of course they wouldn’t have a problem if it was a white guy.

Seriously, imagine if it was William Adams instead of Yasuke, bet there would be zero complaints.

Hey don’t blame me if it doesn’t, I just looked up what kind of mop it was because I’m pretty sure this is some bot account that is able to do single replies in comments and they already commented.

Not going to discount the skill it takes to do this, but dude probably works there and memorized the pattern.

Hunter of The Crested Queen

The burning blade is going to be the PvP event after the initial crew captures it, then you’ve got to defend it.

First time I did that one I was the only one on the team that realized it and would clear the adds while everyone else just emptied mag after mag into the boss.

Watson, she’s adorable with her puns.

Where’d you find it for $4.99, I could only see the $79.99 extreme sound cancelation bundle…

Well yes, you pin the thing you are trying to farm, but it only says where it is. I’m sure after a while you’ll start to recognize mission locations from continuous visits, but right now it literally is going to each node in the map of the location you know the thing is you need and checking each of them to see which one has it.

If you have something pinned it should just highlight the nodes you need to go to, just a simple QoL improvement.

I had to do it through the game in the settings menu, but even then I go on Twitch and it says the campaign is not compatible on iOS. I don’t have a computer so I don’t understand what I’m meant to do.

I’m a Brit so rep with Cammy 🦵

I think it was said best in the movie Dogma.

Rufus: His only real beef with humanity is the shit that gets carried out in His name - wars, bigotry, televangelism.The big one though, was the factioning of all the religions. He said mankind got it all wrong by taking a good idea and building a belief structure on it.

Bethany: Having beliefs isn't good?

Rufus: I just think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier... People die for it, People kill for it..."

Well then you’ll be fighting mostly other Bison, some Akumas, and maybe some random Aki and Ryu.

I’m not saying don’t play him, just a joke at how fighting games go when a new character comes out.

Wait, there are millennials out there actually able to spend money on vacation?

Wait, you’re telling me you don’t enjoy hovering over every mission on a map and scrolling through the rewards to find the thing you are tracking? /s

Probably be a good time since everyone’s moved over to M. Bison, so you won’t just be fighting other Akuma endlessly…but you will be fighting M. Bison endlessly.

If you get it then why are you saying people shouldn’t keep complaining, or “endlessly” as you put it?

I get that seeing the same complaints pop up in gaming subs gets repetitive and boring, but if the matter isn’t pressed it doesn’t get fixed.