I thought it was gonna be cake at first

He was probably about to do the same thing

They should arrest the surgeon that did this to her

This would have been a lot cooler if he spelled out feed me or cookie or something like that >_<

Id just like you to know I stared this for a solid 30 seconds trying to figure out what i was looking at before i read the title and realized I was staring at a dogs dick

Close, but i think its more... The more enjoyable the night before your day off is makes the actual day off worse.

I bet they still ask for tips.

It also looks like you might be low level, if thats the case the alter of souls wont be open yet, just gear her and level yourself and you'll get it when you are the right level.

Obviously its the Nachos

I want to see how fast people do a turn around on this idea when everyone realizes that cheese comes from milk :o

The 2x benefits are better by themselves, but its normal for a progression to be associated with an event or fusion. So if you want the event do the progression, if you are just interested in getting a random leggo do the 2x.