They’re almost certainly ingesting microplastics from everything made using this cutting board, as well. At work, we take our long line cutting boards to a local cabinet maker who runs them through his massive planner and takes them down by 1/32 or 1/16 until the major cuts and gouges are gone.

This has little to do with Florida and more to do with the fact that drones are controlled and regulated by the FAA, and shooting at flying aircraft is a federal offense. Now before anyone thinks they are “picking” on this one specific boomer, the FAA has charged others for shooting at drones and even considered charging SD sheriffs who shot down a drone during the pipeline protests.

Mine has lasted almost a decade, just as long as I clean the plug, spray down the carb with carb cleaner and keep fresh fuel in it.

Since we are talking about Katie today, here is the Court Transcript from a hearing in which Katie Johnson was asking for a Protective Court order, this occurred in 2016 once the victim (Katie Johnson) realized her rapist and abuser was about to become the most powerful man in America and the next president.

Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.

These are the two most graphic paragraphs from the document and thus are the most relevant but please feel free to read the whole thing.

Since you didn’t link the transcript from the Katie Johnson protection hearing, I’ll add it here.

Defendant Trump had sexual contact with me at four different parties in the summer of 1994. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with Defendant Trump, Defendant Trump tied me to a bed, exposed himself to me, and then proceeded to forcibly rape me. During the course of this savage sexual attack, I loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but he did not. Defendant Trump responded to my pleas by violently striking me in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.

Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed.

Only because he was advised not to give him a high ranking job at the DoJ, as it was believed it would draw attention to his case history and the Epstein connection.

Talk about “dRaiNInG thE swAMp”

Those last too are for the rich, the extremists and the occasional hoarders


Yes and we are talking about recent history of Tibet and Buddhism in this thread (not Japan) and the role the current Chinese government has in controlling and conquering Tibet and its religious institutions.

It’s a royal family with more money than sense, and it would be considered affordable compared to most of their other vehicles with 3-4x the price. As to the driving, you’re spot on about a trip around the block, even if he drove every single road it’s only about 50kms.

Why, do we really want to suffer through an album all about Travis and hating on Kim blaring on every radio station, it already sounds mediocre and she hasn’t written a single song yet.

Literally the only upside is one of them possibly destroying the other’s career

Or the USSR’s example of this process now known as Shagan (Kazakh: Шаған) or Chagan (Russian: Чаган) lake that was formed out of the blast crater from a 1965 nuclear test. Oh and the lake is still radioactive

I’ve yet to see any explanation for that price as well, surely any permits, transportation costs and import duties wouldn’t triple the price like that. I haven’t even seen prices that high on the handful of Wankpanzers imported to the ME recently.

That what I think this is as well, since the only other confirmed cybertruck on the continent belongs to Prince Albert of Monaco and it hasn’t left the country of Monaco since it’s only road legal in Monaco.

One was imported to Holland recently and was for sale, for track use only, as it’s not street legal. This maybe part of that same group.

Europe is set to catch its first glimpse of the Tesla Cybertruck as the company stages an "odyssey" across the continent this summer. The cars will be on show in Eindhoven on June 25 and 26, The Hague on June 28 and 29, in Amsterdam from July 1 to 4 and in Utrecht on July 5 and 6. At the same time, the car dealership Next Exclusives in Limmen is claiming to be the first and only in Europe to offer the Cybertruck for sale, at a whopping cost of 359.950 euros.

Worth noting that Monaco’s royalty owns a cybertruck and has driven it around the micro-nation for a few weeks now.

Yea but Drake, Baka and the boys can pool their money together to win the bidding war

In this case he’d need to individually blacklist each terminal these guys have or block the entire area which will effect more users than just these separatists, Ukraine made it easy to block users geographically based on the current frontline locations preventing use deep inside of “Russian controlled” parts of Ukraine.

Because this is a subreddit that relishes in buying and acquiring more tools, and you’re busy modifying a tool you already have instead of buying a purpose built handle. Don’t take it personal

They are not immune, just no owners have pursued a Lemon Law case yet. That said Lamar MK I believe is the first to have publicly threatened a Lemon Law return on Twitter and Elon Musk promptly intervened, and switched out the defective truck with a new non-defective* truck.

*the new non-defective truck has now become defective with many of the same problems as his original defective truck. This is a developing situation. 

Sure but imperial Japan is dead and the China is the only Asian nation moving towards colonization and conquest of their immediate surroundings.

Plastic loving swallowers…

…they are the true winners!

The problem is, the Kremlin is still trying to keep some ambiguity about how closely aligned and controlled Wagner is by the Kremlin itself. At this point the only facts that are clear is that Putin himself appointed Andrey Nikolaevich Troshev as the military commander of the remnants of Wagner inside Ukraine, along with other Volunteer units (PMCs) and Pavel Prigozhin (son of Wagner founder Yevgeny Prigozhin) has inherited and taken over Wagner as its CEO/leader. ISW claims that a significant portion of Wagner who refused to sign with the Russian MoD or join Troshev in Ukraine, have rallied around this Prigozhin-linked alternative to the Kremlin and MoD-backed Andrei Troshev, even if that alternative is not a truly independent organization, because they’ve been promised that they will not have to sign contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense and that the mercenary group will retain its name, symbols, ideology and commanders under the leadership of Pavel Prigozhin.

All of that said, western intelligence still believes Wagner itself is now operating as part of National Guard of Russia and has seen a text message sent to multiple Wagner Vets trying to recruit them for Rosgvardiya (National Guard of Russia) with the message, “Wagner is officially becoming a unit of Rosgvardia...The entire structure, methods of work and commanders remain the same." However not everyone has returned to Ukraine or rejoined Wagner and it’s believed a number of Wagner Vets have joined other PMCs or simply retired.

With additional time and exposure, Wagner’s role and place within the Russian MoD will become clearer and more understood but these are the facts we have now and the recent actions of the group make it clear they have moved on from rebellion and are operating like nothing has changed.

Are we sure this isn’t AI generated? Or part of Inception 2?