Nah I think what actually happened was he was a bitch ass doood

I would take a good overhaul over a new one anyway

Such an interesting time to be alive. Can you imagine in like 1000 years when we are all the same color what things will be like?

I had some leftover pozole and I brought it with a pack of dogs to my ranch for a hunt and threw it all in the crock pot while we were out in the blind and when we came back I made pozole dogs with cilantro and onions and they were so good haha. Also you seem pretty capable cooking wise you should try getting some dry ancho and puya chiles and toast them in oil, hit them with beer and simmer for a minute or two then blend into a paste and add that to your chili. It will blow your mind

The black widows and black ops packages are so cringe but I think the king daddy rip off is the Shelby tbh

When you hit something it bends this way. Super annoying

If you install it yourself you can get a whipple kit pretty cheap. I found mine on sale for $7100 otd stage 1. You’ll want to change oil pump gears

Wow smh even 1 year olds be having nice ass trucks these days.

Dude I ride with a guy that has a decade old Gary fisher and he puts me to work on my levo. You need to understand that a lot of this is due to marketing tactics and consumerism driving this insane market where people are dropping thousands on credit cards because they feel it will make them happier, faster, better. Comparison is the thief of joy. Find what you like within your budget and ride it hard. The sport is about riding not buying remember that

You’ll notice it isn’t made of plastic. Functions the same imo

Dude I beat Elden ring 10 times and still don’t have 100% completion

Yes because I would inspect it first to make sure it’s in good condition. Regardless you’ve already paid for it, cut the belt and unbolt that b then you could even send it to whipple to see if it’s all good idk

Regardless of what engine they use it’s still a ram with absolute garbage everything else

Ever since I heard a guy watched his e-bike get crushed by a semi I think I’m gonna stick with the pad lol. Edit: for clarity he had his on a rack improperly mounted and it fell off getting run over by a semi

This was me my first ride on my Levo sl. Didn’t know I bent the bars until I went in for a wheelset lol

I rode a pugsly on some of the hardest trails in my area. Was it hard? Yes. I had fun tho

How was the header install?

Yeah and when I see the tiny nerds driving their raptor R I laugh hysterically

I would say 98% of the people that own them don’t