Thinking Harbaugh should be canned is an actually insane take.

Good advice, I will say he's miserable to gank if you're a full combo champ though. You're forced to fight through the windwall and shield and dashes. Just annoying.

Why copy paste those recommendations for Champs they don't apply to? Lemme change the fight with elise R boyz

I average over 5 kp by 10 mins on elise. I do enough camps to keep close in levels, with primary focus on ganks, objectives, and invade skirmishes.

I'm firmly in the camp of elise is 100% dependent on tempo. So from camp spawn, you have to be scheming immediately.

Some comps i force invade with team, start E and get first blood, get level 2 and gank botlane if its a comp that can guarantee kill if i hit cocoon. You go down sizable cs personally, but if successful the tempo is nuts. Often can immediately cut up river and gank mid too.

Most games, standard 3 camp into gank depending on who has better chances of success or invade depending on prio and matchup.

From there, the success of those first 3-4mins determine how much I'm farming and where I'm ganking. My main priority is through the ganks and constant oppression, I gain priority for drake, grubs and Rift. When successful, I may be down something like 40cs but up all objectives and 5-0-3 with items. From there, with items, elise takes all camps so fucking fast. My cs and level gets way easier to maintain as transition from skirmishes to picks.

Additionally, if you project you will be in fights in certain areas around certain times, leaving that camp up can be huge as you can weave in and out of fights healing off of camps. The amount of times I've healed off raptors in a mid game river skirmish and went back in is wild.

Ultimately, my take is win through kills and picks, with target selection being critical.

Yeah, I always laugh when I think about when I was younger how I would think maybe I could make it to D1 or something if I tried hard enough. Hell no. I would've gotten worked by these guys and been lucky to play catch at a meet the athlete event, let alone be on the field with them.

Puts into perspective how impressive everyone is actually, even the players that get labeled as "bad".

Honestly, man, it feels kinda wrong for him to even be playing those kids even if they're the same age. He fuckin clocks a few of them.

Agreed, I play elise and games generally are on a knifes edge. I can be 8-0 but if I die and toss bounty to the wrong person, it's not like I'm 8-1, it feels like I'm 4-4.

However, I will say as I've started to climb more this season, there are clear games where I take the reigns and games where I let my team be the main character. Have had some 1-1-7 and 3-3-13 esque games, where I'm super low econ and just facilitate.

When you play with a competent team, league is seriously unlike any other game.

Kayn is tier 2 with almost 51% win rate. If this is his lowest, then this is where he should have always been.

You can dodge alot of things with elise rappel.

Like karthus ult and zed ult mark.

I love you man, always a wonderful pillar. Hope you've been playing some good roguelikes.

You send people there to learn and advance technology, that you can only do through pursuing these endeavors. What you're preaching is declining reachable goals that move us further to instead sit on our hands. I fundamentally disagree with that mindset.

Was not expecting to think of the Superior Dome today, that turf kinda hurts though

I'm against common opinion here, I believe she is pretty strong right now. I've got like a 68% winrate with over 40 played, average like 5.3 KP before 10mins. You can build her against most team comps. She's very input intensive though and can be a bit mentally taxing to play multiple games in a row of especially starting out.

Everyone's got their own ban prefs, mine personally is hecarim because if he know how to play him, he will heavily out CS you and have similar gank prio while also being able to duel you.

I go electrocute and precision tree second, sorc rush with seal into lich bane most often.

The magic of this game back then was unreal. So many good moments.

The rune med helms from lessers on karamja. Blast from the past

Just a heads up, this comes off as defensive.

You knew this post was a joke and that inevitably some people would remark on the hyperbolic nature of the post in a negative way. Just take in stride, no need to justify.

I played base game for approx 600 hours. With legends I put an additional 1400 in it.

Play legends after you've really experienced vanilla imo. It adds alot, for me the most important is the dynamic perk tree. Makes runs much more unique.

Then you weren't in this post, since it is talking about people getting mad and raging.

For sure in 1v1, I'm speaking more in context of controlling game state vs each. I can kill eve when we meet if I play correctly, but most often post 6, it's really easy for her to stack mejais in a game without comms. Which in turn fucks up tempo, which for my playstyle is an instant loss, I average like 5.5KP before 10mins. Lose alot of farm but tons of tempo, so as long as everyone doesn't get picked or die unnecessarily, the tempo goes crazy in our favor.

I find she specifically can destroy that playstyle.

Personally I hate eve, because she can get fed independent of my actions fairly easy, hard to stop people from dying to her once they start.

I dont mind voli, rammus or even rengar. I find repel really neuters rengar