Father of the year award goes to you sir!

That’s highway robbery. Any tech that goes out of order from simplest to most in depth does not know what they are doing and is taking advantage of you (whether they realize it or not) by charging you that amount of money. Especially without consulting with you and getting the go ahead to move further. Have you paid him yet and did you sign any sort of a contract/documentation on the work to be done?

I’ve never heard that before, but that’s pretty cool. I was born and raised in Iowa, was stationed in Oklahoma and Texas in the military, then moved back to Iowa. The closest I’ve been to Washington state is LA, which isn’t close at all lol. What do you think it is about the PNW area that creates that news anchor accent?

I bought them from a music shop, not from someone selling them individually.

I just bought counterfeit Ernie balls and D’addorios a couple months ago. I knew immediately that they were fake and was lucky enough that I could return them for the real thing. I don’t know how they are passing these counterfeits, but it’s ridiculous. The three main guitars that I run are a Fender custom shop 67 Strat with a NOS 61 neck and NOS 67 electronics. The second is an American Ultra Tele in Texas Tea, which I can’t get enough of. The third is actually my very first guitar that I have been slowly adding new parts to over the last 24 years. It started out as a Squier Strat, but the only thing original on it now is the body. I put a custom shop roasted maple neck and all new electronics with Lollar Special Pups. The amps that I play through are a 64 hand wired deluxe reverb and an original Blues deluxe from the 90s. The pedals that are currently on my board are a TU-3 Boss tuner, GE-7 equalizer with the analogman mod, Swollen Pickle fuzz by Way Huge, Univibe, Klon Klone, Purple Nurple by BMF Effects, BD-2 Blues Driver, OC71 Germanium Boost by JHS, Phase 90 by MXR, Analog Chorus by MXR, Disaster Transport Delay by Earthquaker Devices, V1 Boost by Vertex and a Dime Crybaby from Hell Wah. I have a pedal addiction so the board is constantly changing. I’d like to get into more vintage gear. I would love to have a true 65 twin reverb. I’d also like to get an old jcm900 or something along those lines. I’ve always been a Fender guy, but am trying to branch out. What amps and pedals are you playing through? I love the history of your guitars by the way and especially that you are bringing them back better than ever.

I’ve also been playing guitar for over 20 years and have gone through my fair share of guitars including numerous custom shops. You have not seen or played any of the guitars in the photo, so no, you are not being factual and are simply talking shit; like I said. Why say anything at all? Does it make your day to just try and shit on people? Pathetic

I’ve gone through pretty much these same exact scenarios. Don’t give up hope and eventually you’ll find someone serious and grown up enough and this will all have been a bad dream.

Isn’t it great when you’re all excited about something and some random asshole on the internet has to ruin it for you…awesome guitar by the way! I have one just like it and I absolutely love it.

When you are me, you can do whatever you like…

What about my grammar and dialect put me in the Pacific Northwest?

I just learned about the goodwill site a couple days ago and it’s amazing what all they have on there.

I’m asking that to the people that are saying I either overpaid or that they see them all the time for cheaper than what I have ever found them for. Did you read any of the other comments or did you just think I was asking for the hell of it?