Dunno how unpopular an opinion this is, but I want religious victory removed.

For the love of all dieties that have ever existed and will ever exist NO

I'm lost, what's the correct reading order?

Strangers on the internet are a pretty good deal though, there's very little consequence for what you say

Too few colours, no text, no glamorous, complex heraldry

Weak design

I like your opinion smart man

Oh, well then that's a very good thing you did. Splendid job, citizen, you've proven yourself to be an outstanding person.

Nope, I couldn't even find it here, guess it got removed or something

You posted something people didn't like, it didn't want to load, so I went to check if it would load on your profile. Haven't found the thing yet, so I don't yet know if it'll work.

Togheter, we are capable of achieving greatness

We shall never know what the demented person meant...

That's the wrong femboy sub, try looking up the one written with a "y"

Ok, hear me out now, I now number big, but don't forget that you give stats to your opponent as well. Considering that they will probably have no cards in hand, as aggro hand dump dh with kryxis the voracious will be a common matchup due to it's prevalence in the meta, your essencially giving them 10/10 in stats. Now, you don't have to be a mathematical genius to perform the basic subtraction needed to realize this card is essencially a 0/0, which are in my opinion abysmal stats for the cost.

Not Wearing Underwear

A true cinematic masterpiece.

Not Wearing Underwear

I don't want to talk, I just want to expand my collection

Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?

Umm excuse me? They cleraly aren't fucking in this picture? I'm afraid i'll have to report you to the irs for false advertising... Smh my head, people these days...