It will be permanently. At his age you don’t get a TBI and have a 100% recovery. It is a lifetime adjustment, not an illness that can be overcome. He’s lucky to be alive at all TBI is something that many don’t have an opportunity to live normally after.

Something to do with Nvidia but I don’t remember what. I think it has to do with shadow play?

I’m torn between chair and desk because you have zero space to move your mouse? Do you use your touchpad as a mouse? The chair though… I’m getting sciatic pain just looking at it 🪦

I’m not concerned with hiding my medication from people. If they have an issue it’s just that - their issue. If they want to question the validity of it they can see me one day when I haven’t taken my medication versus my average medicated day. They’d note such a massive difference in behavior that it would likely help them understand. I fall into the 1% category of ADHD - meaning I have it “worse” than 99% of others who have it. Without my medication I’m essentially a creative goldfish. With my medication I’m just an average person.

Yeah I have to say it’s immensely helped my productivity in terms of how much I’m able to do/work on without getting distracted. Previously I had an issue with surfing the web when I meant to just look at documentation or just pull a reference image etc. now with my work in my face while I turn to view the thing I was going to look up — I feel like it helps to keep me on track because I don’t want to turn my neck for ten minutes while scrolling Reddit lol.

Yeah, I do a lot of game development so I often have an engine open, file explorer to grab/move assets, a browser open for documentation, and a video in a separate browser if I’m just vibing while coding. Other times watching/reviewing with a tutorial video for what I’m working on. It is really nice having multiple monitors and can’t believe it took me so long to upgrade. By long/wide do you mean how it’s “tall”? (Turned in portrait?) for me it makes sense because I have it where it is basically resting vertically on my desk (using wall mount) and it feels like the perfect place to work on scripts or take notes/watch videos while I have the primary monitor to watch for testing or editing models/making art.

I’ve never understood whippets. To each their own I mean I chronically smoke weed and plenty of people don’t like that. Anyways I commented to say I went to a festival with my friends recently and there’s a pic he took of his wife at the end of the festival where she was sitting on the toilet with a whippet can (you can only see her from torso up) and it’s so damn funny to me that she felt the need to bring it in the bathroom. She said it’s cause “he would’ve done it all”

Me but with university. In school full time. Work full time. No me time but all the expendable income I could want right now. 🪦

Fair enough they definitely got you into some good ones. These are some of my absolute favorites. Mostly cause of nostalgia as there’s plenty of great anime out there

Where would we be without men — I can’t see JP quotes and not hear this one instantly 😂 he sounds like Kermit

High rise invasion is probably the most fan service show I’ve ever seen. There’s also Magic Girl Site which really straddles the line between anime and hentai. I guess it depends on your definition of fan service. To me it’s when there’s weird unnecessary sexual tension/innuendo occurring. For others it might be more risqué.

That you’re likely in the age range of 26-35. Because these are all anime I watched growing up on Toonami/Adult Swim. I miss og Tom.

I don’t think people realize credit fluctuates pretty easily. Miss a payment, or pay something off and it can go down (yes, paying off too early makes it go down!) but appropriate use of a credit card for just a couple months and lowering DTI ratio works miracles. My credit score is up almost 100pts from just doing exactly this. (It was 590 a year ago, now about to hit 700!) and it took about 8 and a half months to go up. Some months it jumped up 40 points.

I need the tea on this. Cant wait to hear what Ethan and the crew have to say.

Good job on the shading love the comic style. I thought this was papa bc I don’t watch/haven’t seen a lot of caseoh.

To be fair it’s awful being on a stage after it pours like that. I’ve never been on a stage nearly that large or with an audience that large but a rainy show can take a lot of fun out of it cause you’re worried about equipment or injury. I can say I stayed for a bit of both and you didn’t miss much from Matt and Kim. I have seen them 3x now though so maybe it’s just because it was my first PTM show I enjoyed it. Although the mud pit wasn’t so rad IMO.

I entirely understand. For me it started with a g9. Then realizing how much I had missed out so I got a second. Making for 3 great monitors I have now and I for some reason want a third odyssey, so I can put my MSI on top of my primary for notes/documentation ( game development)

I must know what is the thing at bottom left of your desk? It looks like maybe an audio interface or maybe even a small server? I felt I was out of control with my two g9 odyssey and MSI. In my dream world I just have 3 or 4 odysseys. They have made coding so much better in having one portrait style gives me so much screen space and I love it.

I guess I’m surprised because I never shop at “normal” stores anymore. I only go to Sam’s/costco as groceries 2x a month because the last time I went to a normal grocery store I spent 100 bucks and couldn’t even eat for the week. Going to Sam’s I can feed myself for 2 weeks for about 120. So it saves me about 160/month.

Great work in this persons part. I do genuinely wonder though - does this not do enormous damage to their privates? Spreading my legs too far I feel it being rather unpleasant, on both my hips and my genitals.

Pls tell me you live in a small town in western nc. If so I was that annoying child. My milk duds and day were ruined lol

I’m down 40 lb from last year (about 10 months) and I walk every day 4 miles on the treadmill and eat less than I used to. I switched out sweet drinks for Coke 0 and gamer Supps. I got hello fresh and cook myself meals in advance - I usually cook 2 days a week but have a home cooked meal 2x a day everyday. Breakfast is usually skipped. My calorie intake is about 2100 but my maintenance is about 3400 because of my daily walking according to my Fitbit. So I am in a 1300 cal deficit currently. I was 100 lb overweight so now I have about 60lb left to go. I am down several pant sizes and an entire two shirt sizes.

Lifeline from Alex legends (esp with the galaxy buns)