Yucca Man Tshirts available in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…

He’s the hero we need.

Given the number of glaring grammar errors and typos in my daughter’s texts from school, I’d have to say that “ones” should have read as “one”.

Just skip my street this time, please General.

This type of posturing makes her look incompetent, uninformed, and incredibly dumb. She would have been better off not to speak to the media at all.
“Do you think criminals will hear this and stop carrying guns to commit crimes?”

“No. But, I think it sends a strong message?”

What message? What does this idiocy accomplish? I try to stay out of political discussions as a general rule but this makes no sense to me.

It’s an effort for sure. Now that they’re sold exclusively in WI I have to get a friend to deliver a couple cases a year. Worth the effort though.

Nope, native Clevelander living in the South now. Lived 6 years in IL and WI and that’s how I came to love New Glarus.

Sorry, I read this as “why” everyone drinks. I think the answer is obvious to THAT question.
My choice is New Glarus’ Fat Squirrel Nut Brown Ale, or Spotted Cow.

Megusiak, Morgan, and Brown. Absolutely the best around.

He hasn’t seen that in years

He’s an electrician not a roofer but that should hold for a bit

So are some employees. No “side” has a monopoly on poor behavior or lack of common decency.

Yes. You can be fired for missing work due to a child’s illness. Most will work with you some but there’s a limit and that limit is very often abused. Some people ruin it for everyone.

Brian Johnson or Tom Keifer. Kind of a tie.

A spanner or possibly a watch back removal tool. If you try it with a pair of needle nose you may have success but then again that thing could snap.

It’s supporting the fence against lateral wind gusts plus the weight of that section of the fence. That may help for a bit but just replace the darn post. It’s a two hour job and less than $100.