The knee kicks and eye gouging are so gross. I'm glad to know there are those among us that don't just say shit like "well the rules allow it".

I agree 1000%. Jones is definitely one of the best, but he's clouded his own legacy pissing hot and dodging legitimate challengers. MM has done neither.

I just cover it in water and start with a cold pan. It renders the oil and doesn't spatter at all.

The only reason he isn't considered the GOAT by a lot of people is because he's small. He is 100% better than Jones where technique is concerned and he has power as well.

He's definitely the best to ever do it, hands down.

To be fair tho, MM is an absolute anomaly. Not only is he perfectly proportioned physically, he has the work ethic and damn near flawless technique. 

I don't love that you're mirepoix only with meat stocks (but I get it) but I appreciate the hell out of everything else you've said. 

I consider myself a good home cook and you've given me a lot to think about and play around with.

I did landscaping for around ten years. It's very obvious, even for people that haven't done landscaping for ten years. And as OP said, they were 4 feet tall. 

Most of the trees I planted or otherwise encountered were bigger than 6' (usually that's the smallest sold) but it's not hard to tell a sapling from a weed. 

Did you work in Ann Arbor? I worked for them briefly back when they first began their expansion and had a gross ass manager and corporate only responded to the allegations of him hitting on underage employees once people started quitting en masse and leaving some of their more lucrative stores without staff.

Shit like this makes me miss Texas. As much as I love Michigan I don't live out there enough to get the rural benefits. 

I bought a bag of Gardettos recently that wasn't seasoned at all. They got the lot code from me, said thanks and hung up lol

Remember when Roseanne Barr blamed a racist tirade on Ambien and the company that makes it released a statement saying that racism isn't a known side effect of Ambien?

"Ventilation" on its own doesn't even make sense. What ventilation? Windows? Does he mean the furnace/heating or AC? That is such a non answer you'd give to someone that doesn't know anything about home repair to end the conversation.

My best friend worked with the secret squirrels but not directly doing secret squirrel shit and he just would say "I can't talk about it". Anyone being deliberately obtuse is probably just lying.

This is the wrongest comment I've read on here in a long time. Police reports are fucking easy to have done for almost anything. You'd have to get a super apathetic cop to just straight up refuse to take your report.

The advice you replied to shitting on it is absolutely the best advice.

Age: 28 Days

I just moved from there and you're not lying.

Adrian is fucking depressing, and I'm from Ypsi.

Age: 28 Days

Yeah Luna Pier is pretty cool. My people are from over by Brest Bay.

I'm a lefty and my dad went off on me writing my lowercase e starting at the tail.

The thing is he's also a lefty and writes his e the same way.