this just reminds me of my own mother i have a migrain headache at the moment which she always has to find a reason to blame me for even though i've been in pain all day and just want to be left alone it's always have you tried this or this or this usually some supplement from some dodgy website and if i say no she says well i must not want to help myself i must want to be in pain than. they suck they really do

What corn starch do you usensfwAdvice

What corn starch product do you use for your packer having trouble knowing what to buy in australia for mine thanks

I didn't know that i'll have to try that thanks

thanks its just really hard to get cornstarch in australia cheap

I feel the same this sucks

True sadnessVent

There is a profound sadness the comes from knowing you'll never enjoy an orgasm again that you'll never not know burning that something that brought you so much joy once now brings only pain nobody talks about the profound grief that's now destroying my mental health and making me cry my doctor doesn't care and I'm done trying with doctors they all suck

Thanks I went to bed and just woke up bur that's really helpful

Anyone know any good books on accepting never having sex againnsfw

What I wrote above that's all I want I don't want Jesus to heal me or any other unsolicited advice thanks its really bad nerve pain and I don't want to try anymore


R/wedeservebetter People are going to hate me for this but I said what I said

Yeah I went and read yours and we are similar it's so sad they act like this

Therapy only ever causes painAnti-Therapy

I Really trusted this counciler and then after 3 or 4 sessions she wad just like no more ive got better things (group therapy) to do. Left me with even more issues and I live in a small town so now i'm just out of luck all they ever do is open old wounds and leave you to bleed out.

Left me on a waiting list that could be up to 6 months for a psychologist who could be horrible the last one years ago was. without even telling it was 3 to 6 months or giving me any support when I came into her office crying after the counsellor who I trusted abandoned me

I am now in worse shape than when I startedAnti-Therapy

I actually tried. I went to my doctor crying for help with my cptsd and got a referral for a psychologist really believing that they were going to care and after 2 months of waiting I give up my last counsellor who I opened up to and trusted told me to go do this and honestly I feel like I was intentionally set up by both of them neither of them warned me or seemed to care what i did in the meantime never again will I trust doctors or therapists all they do is lie and my mental heath hasn't been this bad in years that's the price of trusting a counsellor and having them abandon you in your hour of need i wish I never said anything I would have been better off.


Yes ,just like all psychiatrists

Yeah I wish they'd stop spamming me too I live with people who believe their bull**** and I have to always make sure I get the mail before other people to stop them pressuring me into stuff it sucks

Thanks that means a lot when no one else really seams to care. I feel like I'm always acting like I'm fine you know fake smile and small talk but inside its killing me keeping up the act. My doctor said I have stress headaches.


Why does she always have to control me and anytime I get sick of being yelled at and controlled I'm the problem. If I had anywhere else to go and anyone else to take care of me I have autism and adhd I would leave but I'm stuck here in this hell on earth Fuck Christmas and Fuck the medical system