After playing several times against this deck, I think Eos is the main reason the deck is that strong. Facing Knight-Errant turn 2 on the draw is pretty much unsurmountable for any deck.
The rest of the deck is manageable with a few Lockdowns post-sideboard and tossing some removal here and there to other key pieces.

Does the one in the middle just right up dissappears at the end? Like if it took off

You are
My fire
The one
Believe, when I say I want it that way

All these years of calling Siri nice things will eventually pay up /--simp mode off

Muldrotha, "mill the table" deck with lots of cheap, reusable elements in order to put everyone's decks upside down. I always struggle to find the balance between control elements and go full mill, since as you may imagine, you get the target on your back fairly soon

There, Bethesda's cat simulator

That moment when you realize Anthony Miller and Anthony Davison share the same daughter. I bet mommy has a little bit of explaining to do

Hi! Last years' congress hearings made me think shit was about to get real. The nimitz incident made me want to delve deeper. Bob Lazar on Rogan's podcast made me never want to look back

Hello, would you like to talk about our Lord and savior Pedro?

I think my screen is dirty

There is literally 0 change the day before and after you get married beside paperwork.
The day that certainly will warp your life is the day you 2 leave to the hospital and come back being 3