Sure but I believe in the end, that stuff will calm down and AI will just be another tool in the box. It's like other shiny new things that come along; people go overboard with it at first then it all settles down a bit

My sweet summer child, it sounds like you have basically zero experience writing music. It takes time and patience. Writing is a skill in itself, you don't magically start out good at it. Keep going, keep creating. It will get better

You. Too many people trying to be a one person army when that's not necessarily the best way to play this game

Watching these people dig their heels in even harder is just sad at this point. It's not even funny to me anymore


....but I can't see real well so I missed

Mostly the things where people scream their opinions into the void of the Internet

Why would they arrest an actor dressed as white Jesus?

My suggestion, don't worry about a label. Do what you can on your own. If you grow your career to a level where you need help, then you can worry about finding the right people to help. That help may or may not come from a label

Like, a romantic relationship or just in general? I'm not sure that the latter is possible

Maybe when I was younger but I've matured to the point where that type of comparison has become useless


I'm not going to argue over semantics; that sounds like a very specific use

Not really sure what to tell you. This type of situation has been a struggle ever since people have tried to make money off of music. IMO, AI is one of the most over-hyped inventions in the history of humankind. Ya, it does some cool things but I think our imaginations are getting the better of us with this one. In the end, it will probably just be another tool/instrument musicians use to get things done quicker; not a direct replacement for us

There's not a game out there that doesn't have the player count drop off. It doesn't mean anything


Ya. Definitely borderline useless. You more or less need your whole squad to run that armor along with everything arc related. Not something that's gonna happen with randoms


Too many people sleep on orbital precision strike. Literally one of the hardest hitting strikes in the game. Combined it with stun grenades and the longer call in doesn't matter anymore

Watching the hardcore Trumpers dig their heels in is getting real sad