As someone whose hobbies are mostly just stuff I can do at my own house like DIY and electronics work, getting a proper camera has made me want to go out more. I bought a secondhand A7ii last December and some budget lenses (like $200 or less) and have been extremely happy with the pictures I've gotten for myself and for family. If you pick up a Sony E mount or an older Nikon like a D7200 you can get some amazing pictures with a budget around $1000 USD.

It's a good excuse to get outside :)

What about skewers? Can I at least get a skewer?

I have a TTArtisans 40mm f2.8 macro and love the detail it captures. Focus breathing is rough but that doesn't matter for stills and probably varies from lens to lens. I'd second the suggestion to check out any Chris Frost or Dustin Abbott reviews but for the price their lenses are good IMO.

We have argued this on my team based on a few issues we were experiencing:

  1. The long turnaround times for builds meant that we as a team learned about issues much more slowly, because we couldn't get builds into other people's hands nearly as quickly. Instead of a culture of fast learning and rapid improvements, having builds that took 1-2 days to turnaround would push us more towards trying to change every component at once and learning about system issues when we're closing on our release date -- the most expensive time to discover problems.

  2. The cost of long deployments also inherently made the team more accepting of quality issues that over time make the SW look unprofessional.

  3. Keep in mind that deployment procedures are just as important as build procedures to increase overall productivity and SW quality. If your build takes 5 minutes but it takes a few hours of manual setup and verification to confirm a build is loaded correctly then all you've done is improve the DX (Which is still valuable from an iteration standpoint, but harder to argue the business value of).

2004 Toyota Tacoma: 202.9" L x 70.3" W x 67.5" H

--Why compare a Tacoma to a Tundra?-- nvm, I reread the parent comment. But trucks are definitely substantially bigger than they used to be

FreeRTOS is totally fine to learn. Just get used to the workflow with MCUs and HAL development and you can carry principles to other RTOSes. ThreadX is great too but i would recommend FreeRTOS as a starting point since it's used on so many different MCUs and has a lot of documentation.

I would not worry too much about running Linux tbh. Many systems either use just a super loop or an RTOS on an MCU coupled with an FPGA for I/O expansion instead. Linux requires a lot of resources for an embedded system and still is a hard sell for automotive or other critical devices due to the lack of development assurance.

I always just cut/paste my images from the SD card and the camera always prompts to recover the DB. Hasn't failed so far


That would be an amazing contribution, although I wouldn't fault you if you didn't. Making a project that polished is hard and you clearly put a lot of thought into designing it. I was planning on making a one-off mirror with Mars, but if you do end up selling this I'd consider buying one :D


And I think food dehydrators tend to get hotter than filament dryers at that price point. Most filament dryers I've seen come around 60 deg C while the dehydrator gets up to 70


I'm not interested in competing with you, but I am curious on how you set up the one way mirror. (I'm imagining it's a lithophane behind a 1-way mirror but would love to see some more detail.)

Care to share the random video that inspired you?


Rip :(

It's probably unlikely since the V3 has lead screws for the Z axis, but I wonder if the axis is skipping steps. I'd try doing a few manual moves between min/max Z (both directions) and checking if you hear any clicking sounds while the print head is moving.

EDIT: Also kind of a long shot, but if you run OctoPrint I've noticed some plugins seem to have synchronization issues while running the start/end G-code specifically. As if some commands just aren't sent to the printer or something.


I've definitely accidentally placed parts of my objects beneath the build plate in cura without noticing, lol. Not saying that for sure it happened here but it's definitely possible.

For Eigen especially I think the best introduction is just going to be the one in the documentation: Eigen: The Matrix class

Eigen is pretty good once you get used to their style. [XTensor](Getting started — xtensor documentation) may be a better fit for you since you have Python experience and xtensor is inspired by NumPy.

Building stuff is fun. I got a 3d printer during COVID and have learned a ton about designing hardware and electrical stuff in the process. The learning curve when troubleshooting can be steep sometimes, but totally worth being able to build functional parts that look somewhat professional.

I used to play dota for hours a day like a degenerate and at this point haven't touched it in like 18 months. I'd definitely recommend printing, but aside from that, metalworking, woodworking, sewing... pretty much anything that takes me away from my regular desk is so cathartic.

Get a cheap-ish 3d printer. Pick a theme for stuff to print and sell some shit on Etsy or fb.

Planters. Car shit. Camera gear. Bowser statues with dildos for spikes. I dunno.

I don't think I phrased my question well enough -- makes sense that you need a text editor. Do you mostly want to run code with whatever compiler works, or do you want to focus on viewing the assembly and comparing multiple compilers?

If you're looking to run snippets I've used these apps before: and

For viewing assembly godbolt is probably your best (only?) option.

So like an app equivalent of godbolt?


Ya this is what I do too. I do the same thing with their mini torch because I hate finding my heat gun and plugging it in, lol. Just gotta do passes and work from a distance.


If you have a Harbor Freight near you their heat gun often goes on sale for $10


IMO some of the biggest upgrades with newer, even mid-range ($500-$750) printers:

  • The printer is designed with serviceability in mind. When it comes to swapping out extruder parts, replacing thermistors, etc. the packaging is so much better on more expensive printers it takes away a lot of the annoyances I used to have repairing a $300 printer.
  • Many mid-range printers have real enclosures, which IMO is the biggest immediate change you can make to improve your printer's reliability. I think some printers even have active heated chambers, which was unheard of a few years ago at that price point.
  • Frame rigidity. Your bed will stay level for longer, and less slop and vibrations with better motion platforms will give you slightly better positioning accuracy. I've personally noticed better surface finishes on parts off my expensive printer compared to my cheap delta printer.

There's lots of other little improvements like having filament tangle detection and higher temp nozzles, but those are pretty easy to upgrade on cheaper printers as well.


Love qidi. I have an X CF pro from a few years ago, and while it's outdated compared to their latest lineup it's a thousand times more reliable than my old delta printer. I'm always impressed by the surface finish I get off each part.

Happy to help bro. Btw your arms look a lot bigger, nice progress so far

Sounds like a cultural issue tbh. (Also Indian, although I live in the US.)

Protein intake is really not a specific priority in traditional Indian diets and my own family frequently tells me with high levels of confidence that my ~170g of daily protein intake is unhealthy. When I finally got down to the root of the argument they told me I was "eating like white people", lol.

You can and should eat more than 100g of protein if you don't want to stall.

If you need some help educating your family on proper sports nutrition, here are some sources I've pointed my own family towards:

  1. McMaster University  (,2.2%20g%2Fkg%2Fday)


Relevant excerpt:

"The Institute of Medicine (IOM) established the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for protein in 2005, including the Estimated Average Requirement (EAR), Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), and the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) [2]. The EAR for protein is 0.66 g per kg body mass per day (g/kg/d) and is defined as the minimum amount of protein expected to meet the individual indispensable amino acid requirements of 50% of the U.S. adult population. The RDA, however, is 0.8 g/kg/d, and reflects the minimum amount of dietary protein required to meet indispensable amino acid requirements, establish nitrogen balance, and prevent muscle mass loss for nearly the entire (i.e., 97.5%) U.S. adult population [2,3]. The RDA for American adults is similar to international adult protein recommendations established by the World Health Organization (0.83 g/kg/d) [4]. The current protein RDA, however, is often incorrectly applied when used as the definition of recommended intake, rather than its true designation as the required minimum intake. This misapplication is problematic for healthy populations and aging adults, and disadvantageous for those with pathophysiological conditions that would necessitate higher-protein needs."

Note especially that if you look at the findings of this paper, the 0.8 g/kg of protein figure suggests that 60g of daily protein is an expected minimum amount for amino acid intake. The first link really covers expected protein intake for active individuals and those looking to grow muscle.
