Those look absolutely amazing, and the kickstarter looks really good! Good luck and congratulations to the lucky winner!

That looks amazing! I'm barely starting my dice collection, but I'd love to watch it fill out with time!

Pastel Prism is my favorite! It looks really awesome! It was hard to choose though, they all look great.

These look so pretty! Good luck everyone!

Thank you everyone for your advice and input! The shrimp is looking worse today, still on his back and moving his legs less. So after looking at your advice, I'm currently planning on opening the ecosphere today and placing it in a large clean glass bowl I have. I'm going to mix some instant ocean reef salt with distilled water at the ratio u/dt8mn6pr suggested and slowly add it to the ecosphere/glass bowl to try to let the shrimp acclimate. That will have to be his temporary home while I restart setting up the tank.
If anybody has any input before I start doing this, please let me know.

Emergency Opae Ula Tank Setup

Hi guys, I just got an Ecosphere with an Opae Ula shrimp. The shrimp is upside down kicking his legs for the past couple days. It was given to me to try to save the shrimp. I’m trying to set up a tank ASAP because I suspect ammonia poisoning is killing the shrimp.

So far I have a 3.5 gallon tank I’ve set up with Ocean direct Caribbean live sand. I diluted some Nutri seawater with distilled water at a 1:2 ratio and added it to the tank. I then added the packet of an included bio-magnet clarifier to the tank (following the instructions to stir it into water in a separate jar, then pour in and stir into the tank). It has been a few hours and the tank is still cloudy. I have not run a filter yet.

What do I need to do to get rid of the cloudiness so I can add this shrimp? The sand was recommended to me by the salt water guy at the pet store but now I’ve read it can kill the shrimp. Do I need to restart?


Where did you read there won't be a character sheet?


Tremere were a house of mages back in the dark ages. Tremere (the man himself), was obsessed with eternal life and did whatever he could to extend his life. That led to him doing the above mentioned ritual. It used the blood of a vampire, a Tzimisce to be exact, to grant himself, and a few others of the inner circle within the Tremere house, vampirism.

This had an unintended side effect for them, though. They lost their mage powers completely. Mortal mages are usually very powerful, at least good ones, so the loss of this power was a great loss. They eventually learned how to do blood magic, but it is still a weak imitation of true magic.

Now, they were usurpers, those who stole vampirism. As you can imagine, the other Kindred did not like this. So the Tremere started a propaganda campaign against the Salubri (another clan), and set about diablerizing them. This was not to gain vampirism, but to more gain clan status with the other clans.

You can read all about it here).


Use standardized terms like Vampire, Werewolf and Game Master like the rest of the TTRPG community.


Are you lost? This is not r/TTRPG, this is r/vtm, so you can expect vtm jargon in the vtm subreddit.

Revenant, Nekros, Nidus


Are you thinking of Chris Avellone? Brian was the lead narrative writer, last I checked.

Thank you so much!

I tried just deleting that file entirely and running it again to see if audio would work on speakers/wired headphones. It still did not work.

I have to assume it's something with my audio setup that the game just does not like. The wireless ones it does like, though.

I tested out some wireless headphones that I have, and apparently they have audio. However, if I try to connect to them while already being in game, or having launched the launcher, they will not work.

I am not exactly sure why only those work. I had Bluetooth off, I even removed the wireless headphones from my computer, and still audio will not work on my speakers or wired headphones. I thought it could be the quality as well, so I lowered the quality of my speaker/wired headphones to that of my wireless set. It still did not work.

I thought the same thing as you, that sometimes some games save configuration files, so I went hunting for those. I couldn't find them myself in any of my SWL files. They could save configuration settings at the account level so all of your settings can be saved between devices.

Well, I'm not exactly sure what happened with it, but at least I have audio again. I will just have to play the game on my wireless headphones. Thank you for your help!

I thought of that as well, and looked through the shortcuts. I didn't find anything related to muting the game. Plus, it shouldn't carry over to a completely fresh download. Thank you for the suggestion though!

Audio Stopped WorkingQuestion/Help

I recently downloaded the game and am having a major problem with the audio. The first day I played the game, the audio worked fine. In fact, everything did. I didn't mess with any settings, and then when I logged in again the next day, my audio no longer worked. I have tried all of the settings, repaired broken data, tried turning off, and on, anything that I could in the Audio section. I have even re-downloaded the game. I also made sure my audio drivers were up to date, and everything else. Nothing seems to work. When I open the launcher, I get sound. It's only when I boot up the game does my audio completely cut out.

I have went through some of the other threads to see if that fixed it, but nothing. I'm not sure if there's an updated idea on what is going on. I am playing on Steam as well.

Edit: Apparently it works now. However, only on my wireless headphones. I tested disabling them, removing bluetooth, and even removing the connection entirely from my computer. Still, only my wireless set will work, not even my computer's built in speakers will work.

If anyone else has this issue, this could be a potential fix by using some wireless headphones if you have any around.

The red handle looks amazing, but either would be fantastic!

Good luck everyone!