Aye they have channels on youtube.

Gates is a Canadian wildlife control business, they do well relocating animals without harming them, and their videos show a lot of different critters being evicted humanely. Lots of bebe raccoons, skunks, foxes, squirrels etc.

Raccoon Whisper is more of a sad channel in its own way, but definitely provides an overdose of Raccoons.

For a general restoration in faith in humanity regarding dogs, I watch Sitting with Dogs (Rocky Kanaka)

Cute little burglars.

I've been watching Gates Wildlife Control and the Raccoon Whisperer for my fix of cute bandit shenanigans over the last few years.

Cloud is all jumping through dimensions looking for Aerith cause he still has a Zach complex and isn't satisfied with Tifa... and just decides in Ivalice that Agrias is close enough. At least he didn't have any Goofy relationships in Kingdom Hearts.

There was a band Puddle of Mudd with a song that came out in 2001 called She Hates Me, that I always felt there was a heavy "Rape Me" influence on.

I dunno, I think in some cases that line could be used in a dorky way to state everyone he swipes on is beautiful, even if they didn't conform to typical beauty standards. This guy is probably just an ass though.

Yeah PQ is the way I'd tackle this myself. Made a few tools that I have up on a monitoring screen and being able to set a Power Query to automatically refresh after x time is pretty nice. Removes the need for manual refresh in the main file while multiple other source files are updated frequently.

Doc:"Why is there a bag of plasma here, where did my bag of pasties go off to?"


Just a bit funny thinking of this as the Upper Penisula

That is a cloud, it is only your pareidolia making it seem like an animal.

The landscape and trees are giving me flashbacks to hunting in the Oregon Trail game.

I liked Silverchair. Went to a Silverchair concert in Minnesota that unfortunately was with Blink 182. I say unfortunately because the fans of Blink 182 were definitely not happy with Silverchair. Crowd was rioting during Silverchair's set and a full cup of soda got launched and hit Daniel Johns. Silverchair basically said fuck this and walked off ending their set mid song.

I'm imagining a prehistoric corgi now, nipping at the heels of a Apatosaurus/ Brontosaurus.

Good to see some relics returned.

Hopefully Mankato will eventually return their amazing Hot Springs back to the original native hands at some point too.

I still remember my first crossing of the Golden Gate Bridge, which was at night. The memory really cemented itself when I received a big arse toll bill in the mail a few weeks later.

I swear I didn't know it was tolled.

I've had bad experiences with fruit flies and bananas bruised like that, so it isn't very apeeling to me.

Let the bitey face commence.

I'm curious what their internal investigation turned up. At least on the surface it is more of a legitimate inquiry than when Al Franken was tarred and feathered.

I experienced something similar in Northern Minnesota decades ago during a Tent Caterpillar plague. Tent Caterpillar population grew exponentially, entire forests of Birch trees were eaten clean of leaves, and the roads were so covered with Caterpillars that you'd experience hydroplaning while driving through them.

There was also a boom of a largish predator beetle species that preyed on them, so while your car was sliding you'd hear lovely crunching noises on top of the squelching.

Well if we get a Waffle House the real craziness is going to come to be. Only minor mischief happens at a IHOP.

What do? See you Space Cowboy...

Yeah, I hear that. Having to swoop in to remedy macro issues for team members is the main factor for me switching to heavy power query use for data importing (instead of macros). 9 times out of 10 the macro issues were resolved easily by recompiling in the VBA editor on the end users system, but even easy is a huge headache when you need to do it constantly. And having to open a SharePoint hosted Excel file "in app" all the time to utilize macros is a drag.

Thankfully at least my segueing to heavy Power Query use set me up for huge success moving onto Power BI.

I remember them supporting a band named "Default" which had maybe 1 decent song I recall.

As for what my feelings about Nickelback are, I felt like they were attempting to be an easy palatable white washed Nirvana/grunge successor. The music was listenable, but overplayed and I didn't really connect with it.