i wouldn’t defend it, but i also don’t think this is imatotalpieceofshit material. it’s annoying, but this dude isn’t a terrible human being for this

hey man i don’t watch football, but i can tell you don’t watch basketball. jj might fail or succeed ( most likely fail) but it won’t be his fault. 

the lakers aren’t actual contenders. and lebron is the coach. and first year coaches are very capable of winning it all. 

go complain about your football coverage in your football subreddit. this is cringe

jalen brunson isn’t athletic or taller than him. he should be able to put up 25 a game with no jimmy there. and if he can’t, he not worth the 30 mill he getting paid a year

i was a mega hassan fan. i would vote for him every thread in r/nba top~~~whatever players like every thread. i would put in shifts defending this man.

 it is what it is

i mean, i’m sure the cba was negotiated for awhile before it was ratified, but regardless if we could have known or not, if we are trading picks past the future cba negotiations that’s the risk you are taking. and failing on. which is fine. but it’s still the issue we have now. no assets.

that’s true, but i don’t think last season was fun for us. they don’t want to have another one

i mean the front office lagged behind surely the fans will too. they react to the results, which are tough to swallow. i mean, im not personally bothered but it’s easy to see why fans are

the issue is we just didn’t value picks enough with this new cba. definitely a lack of foresight but it’s not the worst front office or anything

brother in 23 we were a 7th seed who dropped to 8th and last year we were 8th. play-in changed absolutely nothing.

… you can clearly hear the metal bowl hit the floor. i’m just super curious what you saw that made you think he stuffed it in his bag?

like i get that you edited, but how did you get it so wrong at first?

i’d agree. i still think the analysis is funny. and a lot more tongue in cheek than people give him credit. 

he was trying to win and he is right, levy tended to choke throughout his career. but levy didn’t choke.

the new no-names have almost completely changed that quality about levy.

nah the olympics clips are getting copyrighted

you definitely dream, you just forget it. i woke up this morning half asleep to pee and was trying to remember my dream. i could feel all the emotions lingering from the dream but couldn’t for the life of me remember the content

go on walks, get some sun, exercise, touch grass