Let's just say things go off the rails around season 4 and instead of trying to correct it they just leaned really into it.

Well this is gonna even more down votes than the first post but you asked and here we go.

So fuck has a lot meanings that require context to understand. Your use of fucking was describing how you are stupid. My joke was using the word fuck as the verb.

So I was stating you were having sex with someone stupid. At the same time I was claiming that no one warns people not to have sex with someone stupid but not to have sex with someone crazy. "Don't stick your dick in crazy"

While writing this out it reminded me of that Reddit post of that guy who was shy and very vanilla in bed that got together with very kinky lady that wanted him to talk dirty to her and be a little demeaning and in the moment he got flustered as to what to say and he just blurts out "You like that, you fucking retard"

Found the link


They say don't stick your dick in crazy but no one says anything about stupid.

Just to add on the 6750, I'm running it on a 5600g with 32g ddr4 and it's a 1080p workhorse. I hit 120fps consistently on high in Helldivers 2. It can drop into the 50s when things get all explodey. It's a solid card. Would buy again.

That pickle looks shook.


I did not like the first two seasons of Discovery but I still watched. Hell, Picard was hard to watch because I still expected Star Trek. Picard was never to be Star Trek. It was life after Star Trek. I still watched every release day. The reason I did it was to support Star Trek. Plain and simple. SNW was what I wanted and I loved every minute of it. Ok maybe not the musical but I still supported it. My only hope is that someone looks at the replay metric and sees I went back to LD, SNW, DS9, ENT, and TAS. The replay is what brought me back to the service. That's what made me look at other shows they were putting on. Enterprise was robbed of its full run of 7 seasons and a movie because of viewership. Yeah UPN might have been the cause but that excuse is not plausible today.

Sorry for the rant. I'll go back to lurking.

Edit: to the person that stated that all Star Trek is Star Trek. On the surface yes that's true. Even in TNG there were episodes that were not Star Trek. Data's Day, for example, I would argue is one of those that is in the not category. It's a great episode don't get me wrong. You could take that script and put it in most sci-fi shows it would still hold up. What makes Star Trek unique and an identity of itself is the mirror it holds to our society. Episodes like Riker falling in love with a person that as a result of their relationship gets "condition". Or hell even Tuvix is a polarizing episode of Star Trek. It should challenge us as a society to look at ourselves through the lens of something alien. The characters we watch are not always on the right and justified side of that mirror.

Damn that bot pulling from the way way way fucking back. I haven't thought about spacedicks in a long time. Honestly clopclop was better.

Hit it with the grill brush then wipe it down with some oil.

If you treat the grates like cast iron skillets this wont happen as much. After I pull everything off I knock off anything stuck to the grate and wipe them down with oil. Good to go for next time. I'm also lazy af.

And to think I used to crush on April when Shredder Mommy was here the whole time.

Look at fancy pants. Cleaning up after themselves. Kids these days. SMH

This isn't Selma Alabama. Separate them bitches!

Come on, cat give that tootie roll.