It is horrific we need laws for something so god damn obvious and basic

Why are police not allowed to enter the property?

Sounds terrific. I feel sorry for my buddy who is adamant that there is no need to ever update the PHB and it’s only a cash grab. Shrug :/

I'd argue that Aircraft carriers replacing battleships as the focal point at the start of Second World War was more meta shattering. And yes, naval drones are becoming the new obvious meta.

I just wish people would stop bitching cause they need to speed run everything and then bitch the game has no depth.

Exactly, there is a significant vocal population that bitches because they have no time control skills and immediately rush to complete everything.

Exactly, there is a significant vocal population that bitches because they have no time control skills and immediately rush to complete everything.

Exactly, there is a significant vocal population that bitches because they have no time control skills and immediately rush to complete everything.

Yeah but you’d immediately complain if all the content was immediately available because you’d finish it in a week and bitch that there is nothing to do now for the rest of the season.

Can they just fix how Hearthstone crashes if you switch screen on OSX

Love seeing Russian tanks explode in the morning.

Thank you for taking the time to respond and clarifying. I haven’t yet master worked anything as I’m barely level 70