You're not very intelligent and it's palpable. Blocked.

This user really posted an AI prompt lmfao

It really is amazing how personally people embody random questions on the Internet. Kind of sad, really.

That's a terrible idea on desktop that adds another step for literally no reason at all.

IDK anything about this but common sense tells me that if anyone is using anything other than Times New Roman or Ariel font for contracts then they're doing WAY too much.

Idk who needs to hear this but if your order is always incorrect, you're the problem, not the restaurant.

I literally cannot wait until this rolls out everywhere. Wish food delivery would roll this out too.

Perfect example why people shouldn't put all their eggs into one basket. Most people act like these social media brands are going to be around forever--theyre not. Get a website.

It's just my opinion. My thoughts literally have no bearing on any of this. Feel free to do whatever you like. Just not for me. Not that deep lol.

Those all look terrible. So it's not a casual dismissal. It's an informed, well thought-out dismissal.

I've seen all I have to see with these tools. Maybe in 10 years but right now it ain't it.

Is it just me or do all Ai logos look the same?

These bloated tools like elementor and divi can be optimized really well. However, what I've found is most of the time it's actually some kind of additional plugin that makes it drag. For instance, some cookie or privacy policy plugins will stop certain elements from loading and drags the system. Turning plugins off can help to see where the drag is coming from.

Great. Then you won't mind sharing how you make 18k a month doing nothing. If you don't share you're likely a grifter.

Yup. And everyone who is down voting is guilty of being a bad leader.

They're employees, which are humans with lives, not slaves as most trash employers wish they were.

Here's an article on the recent Google fiasco. Even an industry leader indirectly admits no one knows exactly what works. And, even with the consensus of what "seo experts" trend toward, it seems that Google might be doing something else completely.