Are these people in the room with us right now?

Just because someone else did the same thing, doesn't excuse someone else doing the same thing. I did expect this response out of Reddit, though. This is one of your go-tos when it comes to looking the other way.

I remember a post complaining about blood pressure numbers meaning nothing to you when they read it off, and it's like, okay, that's fine. That's a very common and simple medical thing to know about at the patient level, but you don't really need to know, because they'll tell you if you did need to know, and won't if it's fine. Ironically, if you were told about the specifics of your blood pressure, you'd probably elevate the chance someone will raise their blood pressure by worrying more about their blood pressure.

There is a lot of medical information out there, and patients don't need to know much of it to go about their lives. If they know about something, it's because they or someone they know was afflicted by it, and informed about it specifically by a doctor, nurse, or some other specialist. Something to help them manage with the problem. But otherwise, they don't need to know, you don't need to know, and the world keeps on spinning because it's otherwise irrelevant information to people outside of the medical field.

Every food prep job I've worked, you're expected to change gloves and wash hands regularly, to avoid build-up. And to do so after touching potential contaminants, as well as when interacting with potential cross-contaminants. We do both. We don't do only one or the other. Reddit, in its all or nothing mentality, assumes you either wear gloves all the time, or completely raw dog it by only washing hands, and that's, like all things Reddit, unrealistic and wrong.


You know this is Reddit, like arguing with Europeans about their bigotry towards Romanis, that someone is inevitably going to use it like an excuse to say America didn't have a slavery problem.

It's fun when it's free. Not so fun when you're paying for a stratagem slot you're out of ammo 2 minutes into Helldiver, and did as much work as someone with Quasar and EAT.

Now that you mention it, it does seem off. You've built everything up already.

I'd like to have tanks back, please. It was just an attachment in TD1, but removing Threat just ended up making blue cores a noob trap for people who didn't realize DPS is the best survivability.

You just decided to hit us right in the nostalgia today.

Level 5 can get pretty intense, especially near the end when the reinforcement rate is at its highest. I've gone in solo for Personal Order before, and the last 10 minutes was just nonstop. Wipe out one wave, one more already there, another on its way.

Where is that thumbs up meme when you need it.

Lordy, already at half-ammo from two Chargers and a Bile Titan, less than 60 seconds into the mission.

Brother Arrowhead, get the Flamer. The Heavy Flamer. ...I said the HEAVY FLAMER. Not the Zippo Lighter you put on a stick.

There's two people with green icons on the party list you need to be griping at first.

My new ass when I thought reading the future was a thing about looking forward in time, and not my veteran ass when Eternalism where everything and nothing has, will, will never, and hasn't happened, and the Unum is somehow on par with Wally about being able to pare down this timeline. This Eternalism shit be wild.

Let's just hope Wally is here, because he wants to find a way to booty call the only other individual who sees possibility like he/she does. We're going to play cupid with paratemporal, paraprobable entities.

The next one, then. Because they still got a lot of work to do regarding the Galactic Map, bugs, crashes, server issues, matchmaking, etc that isn't about weapons.

If everyone is complaining about it not being good, than the majority are probably right.

It certainly has in the past two days. r/Helldivers2 really trying to get a foothold in here, with their good vibes only BS.

Sad, but true. Fortunately, Helldive does auto-filter out the weak, to make room for the strong. They'll just drop out and in until you extract with a bunch of hard-nosed patriots. You don't have to do a thing but keep going.

Wasn't popular when it was current. People got nostalgia for this mode, for certain. Really no reason to do it but to pass some time, do something different, because endgame was a narrow funnel of Classified sets that didn't drop there. People didn't even do Resistance, and that was a regular source of Classifieds.

Tradecraft Leves. The attractiveness of it goes way up when you factor in how even buying mats from NPCs, you're still getting paid very well in gil and usually crystals. Just chilling in an inn, listening to the Firmament theme on the Orchestrion, taking all that gathered material and making some gil.

If only the numbers mattered, and not also the qualitative factors of its range and ease of headshots at range, so that it can start landing headshots while other guns are still moving into headshot range, and doesn't have to reposition as often to remain in headshot range. Lots of extra uptime there that doesn't calculate on a spreadsheet.