The prediction that she won't need to work is not a prediction about AI technology

That's not what she said though, she's implying that there won't be employment as we know it; not that there will be some kind of utopia with UBI. She's basically saying that she believes that there will soon be no work for humans, if they can survive without it or not. She sees a future for humans like that of horses in the early 20th century.

So you're both wrong and insulting as well, how lovely. The way you manage to combine straw man with ad hominem it like a really awful work of art.

Yeah just like those god dam photographers... /s

To be honest the idea of "there is some hidden meaning" or "this is a reflection of the society and how money rules everything" in literature is overblown if not total nonsense.

Stories are about how they make us feel and the inspirations they give; my advice would be to just write about how it makes you feel and what inspiration it gives. Don't look for the meaning in the words; look for the meaning that it provokes from you, that's where the meaning comes from (you), not some words on a page.

Very much something I would expect in Discworld; I wonder how many Vimes has confiscated in his time?

Also I know you didn't know the source OP, but FYI it looks like this guy:

Here's the thread about them: 

This sub is weird - is there anyone who wants to actually talk about the company and what it's doing - or is it all just about "celebrities" and trying to stir up drama?

Sounds more like a problem with society than the actual AI; our world does not need to be a zero-sum-game, and AI could help deliver a better system.

Sure, but if we get improvements on the level of Moore’s Law for 50 year in AI the change will be literally unimaginable. The exponential growth that came from it has completely changed to world.

It has always been the same thing, as Sir Humphrey explained, the four stages of not doing anything are:

Stage 1: We say nothing is going to happen. Stage 2: We say something may be about to happen, but we should do nothing about it. Stage 3: We say maybe we should do something about it, but there's nothing we can do. Stage 4: We say maybe there was something, but it's too late now.

We're currently at Stage 3 - stage 1/2 was climate denial.

We’ve been on a steady decline

That's just down to chronic underfunding of education (at least in the US and UK)

“And so it is that you by reason of your tender regard for the writing that is your offspring have declared the very opposite of its true effect. If men learn this, it will implant forgetfulness in their souls. They will cease to exercise memory because they rely on that which is written, calling things to remembrance no longer from within themselves, but by means of external marks.” -- Plato (some 2,500 years ago)

You hear this kind of thing a lot, it's just a change to how we as humans do things. I've outsourced all of my "date remembering" stuff to Google calendar, it hasn't made me "dummer" somehow lol.

Not at the moment maybe, but for 95% it is more than good enough. For the last 5% it will get there soon; exponential progress is wild.

From the MBA's I've met it doesn't surprise me; they have all been complete a-holes who know nothing about business, but a lot about "politics".

So what do we do, hang around doing nothing because there's no one thing that will fix everything?

Nothing is ever that black and white, reduction of consumption along with things like this is what will get us over the line. We can do both, so why wouldn't we.

That looks amazing, your friends are lucky! I hope you have some clotted cream, but why no cake? :)

You do you, just seems strange how many people here want to talk about fossil fuels being the future.

Saying bye to a dangerous dependency on non renewable, polluting energy sources is of course a good thing. They will still be around for the foreseeable future as a fall back. The only people who wouldn't see this as positive would be people working in the industry, or shareholders, or people who seem to think that fossil fuels are a source of national pride :shrugs:

Ah touché - I can see I'm not able to match the eloquence or logic of your reply..

Bloody hell this is such a soft sell.

I mean you're not wrong, this is basically just western Europe now; not really Solarpunk

A living wage? Guess people unable to work don't deserve to live. And guess people who do work don't deserve stuff beyond what is strictly necessary for survival.

This is a bit much given that the sub-title is "every worker should be guaranteed" - it's clearly not saying anything (good or bad) about those who can not work.

Did you want to give a little more context; I already have 4 of the six here and my full time working week is 35 hours, so close there as well. The only thing I'm really missing is the "executive to worker compensation balance", not really "fantastical malarky".

Haha yeah that moment was gold, would be so funny to find out that she was meant to be a minor NPC

Having said that, it would be equally funny if Ally crits on a perception roll and we find out that KLCK is just 4 dogs in a trenchcoat lol

My cousin lives in a small village near York and their local is called the Mended Drum. Yes it's named from the books!

That's true - but the Taskmaster house is right around the corner from the Hammersmith Apollo; so would make sense that it's taken there :)


Someone last week on Reddit called me out how machete fights aren't real in UK.

Lets see so this article says "reports of a disturbance and people in possession of knives" no mention of machetes anywhere and zero evidence shown. Later goes on to say "One teenager was taken to hospital for treatment to a hand injury and has since been discharged." Honestly sounds like fuck all happened; just some rubes sucked into a over-sensationalised headline because they lack critical thinking lol


Wow calling some rando out with a bullshit express (of all places) article; what a looser lol

Guess it's still all nonsense on my part?

Yeah pretty much, again please go outside, the sensationalised news can't actually hurt you lol

Edit: Looks like I really hit a nerve with the agenda bots on here. They're all coming out with their sensationalised bullshit; remember everyone not to believe this bullshit, just back from a week in London and zero being talked about this. This sub used to be so much better without the doomerbots, god I'm glad most people in the UK don't fall for this obvious bullshit.