The amazing thing is that you actually got a decent amount of upvotes. If this mod actually stuck to their libertarian ideology, they’d let the people decide with their fake internet votes.

But I guess that’s libertarians, it’s all talk until it comes down to something vaguely progressive 🤷‍♂️

Cheerio, I guess I’ll start with something small then 👌👌

I’ve found a kickass tutorial on double knitting, and that kinda looks like what I’m looking for I think. I have no idea what I’m doing in terms of tension and all that though, I figure it can’t hurt to just start doing something though 👀

I may have bitten off more than I could chew, but I wanted to knit a sweater with a classic Seigaiha pattern on it. I'm not sure where to even start, I've got no pattern and no resources on how to do a dual color design. Should I commission someone to do something like this, or is it not too bad? I've done some single-color test knits and I'm not too shabby. Any advice and resources for a crewneck pattern and how to do dual color knits would be much appreciated 🫡

As a former expat living in Doha, I love how the American community call themselves ‘expats’. Like, they really trying to avoid calling themselves immigrants lol

HENRY FORD was given the god-given FREEDOM to buy railcar companies and SHUT them down, lobby the AMERICAN GOVERMENT to build HIGHWAYS over low-income NEIGHBOURHOODS, and feed into people’s INSECURITIES about being in close contact with POOR and WORKING CLASS PEOPLE to sell us 3 tonne HUNKS of METAL and PLASTIC, so we have the FREEDOM to drive down to STARBUCKS and buy a DOUBLE SHOT FRAPPUCINO FOR AAMERICA

Honestly when the beat is loud as hell and you’re dancing like an absolute clown it’s fun as hell. But it does lose it’s magic as the priority becomes genuine relationships

Fascists do well in times of economic trouble. We are entering a period of unsustainable inflation, and while Trump will undoubtedly make it worse, he’s the perfect kind of awful that will appeal to an unhappy segment of voters.

People ask, but you’re still locked in there with two dudes trying to be superrrrr friendly. They can draw it out, they can talk you down, there’s a lot of things they can do to intimidate the hell out of you. It’s a problem with the legal system that police interrogations are quite an opaque thing.

Good luck getting to sleep when you got Tweedle dum and Tweedle Dee trying to be the friendliest fellas ever, they just care that much about you 😍

I remember being into wierd anime when I was about 16 or so, but at some point I asked myself what this kind of thing does for me. At some point it becomes just weird sexualisation of teenagers, and it actively hurt my ability to talk to women irl.

I don’t blame young people for watching this kind of thing. But when the animation studio is animating an underaged character pole-dancing handcuffed, I can't help but imagine the chain of twenty employees working on the animation being like… this is fine, right?

Cheerio, thanks for the ID 👌👌👌

Beauty, thanks for the info. I figure I’ll pot it smaller and put it inside 🫡

Honestly I just think it’s a neat idea. Like, there’s a lot of interesting cultural stuff to unpack, whether it be him coming into the culture and unpacking it or him being basically ingratiated already.

Media has always been about exploring interesting concepts, and I think this is a perfect scenario. Not even mentioning how interesting this time period for stability and the balance of power.

Papa bless the devs that made this game run on a potato. I’ve got a GPD Win portable PC, and it runs it at 60fps on medium, integrated graphics. It’s amazing 🤩🤩

As someone who’s been at the end of a (mid-sized) dog attack, this is intimidating as hell. I can’t help but think it conveys a basic lack of trust in human beings that feels somewhat dystopian.

As someone who studied alternative economics, it pisses me off to no end when my Joe-Rogan pilled brother starts talking about how autocratic/fascist countries are actually communist.

There are clear guidelines a bunch of people wrote literally 150 years ago, and what a genuine communist economy would look like is wildly different to what these random ass podcasters think it is. But I guess that’s just the way it is. Abstract the meaning so people get confused as f 🤷‍♂️

I guess I’m getting old, but I see ‘cheating’ as a symptom of dissatisfaction, and I feel like it’s the point of the show to explore these feelings.

Sometimes the partners we moor ourselves against aren’t the people we’re truly attracted to. But the show is saying it’s okay to feel conflicted, humans are complicated. We can be attracted to people who we know aren’t good for us, but can still grit through it and suck it up. Life is complicated like that.

The point at the end was to buck the trend and say Kala didn’t have to feel conflicted, and that these two men are okay with a consensual relationship… despite what she thought beforehand. Together they’re far stronger than apart.

I mean, take that how you will. If it made you feel uncomfortable it’s fine, but I think it’s a good moment to reflect on why you might feel this way.

Add your Scooter!

Arghhh so smoothhh, great shots. I got a Klima, but this one was next on my list just for the looks alone ☠️☠️☠️

Incredible, I’d be so jelly of the amount of weird birds and insects you’d be getting 😭😭😭

I understand the sentiment, but anytime anybody says this kind of thing the first thought that goes through my head is how privileged they must be.

Like yes, it was easy 10-20 years ago, but now everything’s expensive. Inflation’s a joke, the economy is functionally necro, and this is all someone like this can say.

I know it’s all about maintaining a patriarchal kinda attitude, but like… look at the world around you. Surely this person can see there’s more to the story right? ☠️

I’m gonna get a bit ‘uhm ackshully’ here so sorry in advance. But these types of terms are usually introduced and then fall out of favour in psychological circles because defining them is extremely hard. Most people in a capitalist-competitive economy exhibit a measure of sociopathy, so it’s more a fuzzy descriptor for an unclear set of ‘anti-social’ behaviours.

But the point being, the way we are raised & taught means we all have a bit of Bezos in us. It’s an active fight to try and work around this, strengthening social skills and empathy for people outside of our immediate circle.

This whole thing is an extremely contentious issue in Psyche circles right now. Is it an innate thing that needs a definition, or is it the natural end result of an ultra-competitive societal structure?

Ya I thought the og post was pretty on point.

Just an explainer for anybody interested, dude’s working 55 hour weeks and honestly looks stressed as hell. It’s really wholesome that he finds happiness from his daughter greeting him, but I found it bittersweet that he has to pull those kinds of hours.

The OCM is the hellish work hours this dude’s workplace is requiring (11 hours for a five-day week, 8 hours for seven… so no weekends). It’s amazing he can stay positive, but we should probably be questioning why ppl are doing hours like that.

Yeah the way you can hear him fighting an internal mental fight against those crushing hours is sooooo depressing. It’s nice that his little kid loves him so much, but this account presenting this as aspirational is absolutely unhinged.

55 hours is either seven full 8 hour days, 9 hours for six, or 11 for five. Any way you slice it, it’s absolutely not a good situation.