You super emotionally invested. Maybe that’s what’s bothering you.

It’s on to never tip. We’ve all stopped tipping.

NTA. Yes, plan B is based on weight. So you were absolutely right to bring it up. It’s not your problem if she took it as an attack.

Loan matchmaker sounds like a sugar daddy website lol

Contact USPS immediately to tell on them for post fraud. Call animal control and child protective services.

I don’t even know where to begin. It’s just bad. It looks like a MySpace page.

The US is still the less strict. When I lived in Switzerland, over half my reps would get seized by customs.


You meddled in something you had to business in and you were rude to another guest.

You’re gonna fight against drones and the us army? Good luck.

Moving back to Switzerland if it happens. I have dual citizenship.

Good on you for speaking up. This is literally illegal.

Agreed. I think these same people also think it’s about being frugal… which definitely isn’t. IMO, minimalism is about owning what you need without excess but also about quality.

It’s a bracelet. It’s super tiny and not taking any space. There was no reason to get rid of it since your husband offered it to you.

You as a SB are supposed to set up an arrangement before doing anything. Set up a monthly payment so it doesn’t turn into an escort / John situation. It’s too late for this one though. Take this as a lesson for the next one.

Sleep mask. Wipes for surfaces. Face mist spray. Hand sanitizer.

Why is she going through your stuff????? What you do in your bed is none of her business.