Finally someone else has said it

lol no way

D&W can do 200m in its ww ow, so passing the 400m is guaranteed

Cap and Thunderbolts sure

Avengers no way

Really doubt that “Reddit worshipping James Gunn” just based on a lot of comments here . if anything it’s the opposite

Pitch black 53m on a budget of 23m

Chronicles of riddick 115m on a budget of 105-120m

Riddick 98 on a budget of 39m

Please whatever crack you’re on I don’t want

Please this isn’t true at all. No riddick movie has made up to 150m ww and all have bombed

While I do agree that this sub has this weird obsession with movies failing.

It’s not going to be an “elemental” because elemental ow numbers didn’t continue to decline.

Its R rated while elemental was pg or pg13 and it’s a very niche franchise

The polls became repeated content and some were just straight up dumb

Weird comment

Then you clearly don’t know how expensive marketing is.

I told you in another reply how Uni spent 16m just on tv ads for monkey man

That’s not the marketing budget though I just used 10m as kind of the lowest(and that’s an exaggeration), didn’t Uni spend 16m just on tv ada for monkey man .

The movies in your list probably have MB of 30m+

I’m quite shocked at how most people in this thread aren’t noticing the math is flawed especially night swim and strangers

Virtually no market isn’t equal to 0$ in marketing they’re still going to spend more than 10mil