
  1. Element of czech history: I found the history of Prague to be quite interesting and enjoyed learning about it through the exhibit and marionette show.

  2. The detail of the Pragueā€™s old town: They did a great job of accurately recreating the old town - especially the cathedral and astronomical clock. I also liked the cozy cafe setting.


  1. The lack of humor: None of the characters had interesting quirks or personalities. They were super uninteresting and the dialogue was devoid of humour.

  2. Having a big, open space for no reason: I feel that the map was spaced out to make it look bigger when it wasnā€™t which was pointless in my opinion. If they had more things/places to interact with on the map then it would make more sense.

  3. Puzzles: Quite a few of the puzzles were exceptionally hard with not enough information to solve them. I kept having to use the cheats which defeats the purpose of the game (maybe Iā€™m just bad at puzzles lol). The astronomical clock model was just not enjoyable - I donā€™t want to read 5 texts from Mr chucklenuts (Ned).

  4. The villain arc: It was meh. For Loutkaři, there was no personal vendetta against anyone, they basically just came from a family of thieves. Thatā€™s not compelling. As for Elka, I sort of get where her anger comes from in that she wants to exact revenge on rezidente. But doing it through Loutkaři by stealing the jewels? Wouldnā€™t she want to target the person responsible for the mission?

Overall I think it was better than MID but was ultimately left a little disappointed. Anyone agree or disagree ?