Tbh maybe Kanao, I just wish for people to coexist and not fight and kill (even kids who did nothing wrong but exist)for small reasons and differences

What i do is keep a couple pictures of my artwork then try to color it just incase i ruin it

While luffy does also shower once a week which terrible for how often he probably sweats but he’s 19 why would he want to get married even to “the world’s most beautiful woman” he’s still really young so I dont get the probably asexual part tbh, but everything else is on point!

Yes, i know that so her range of age is from 12 to 14 during the entire series,she’s still a minor the whole time

Just think about it in the sense of if you have one cookie and one friend how many cookies you given him/her?

I’d be kinda flustered to sot next to law,ace or sabo so i’m going with 4

A collection spot, I’d personally do video games or smth


Because Inosuke was raised by animals just like them he shows himself getting comfortable with someone by holding on to them so its a sign of him slowly warming up to Tanjiro and not finding a reason to compete with him rather( seeing him as a companion instead of rival,to put it shortly)

Is the second image an owl or hawk? ( the rarest bird you can find in my country is a crow) so i’m sorry for my lck of knowledge in birds, I assumed it’s a hawk because MI-HAWK

Oh no i used the same method as the book, the book first shows the old method we used then clarifies it with signs i only wrote the new clarified version with the answer that is correct whichever way you write it and lost 4 marks on that

One part tho that i would like to add is out book has two similar subjects and the questions didn’t specify which one so my answer is 100% correct in one of the topics (it doesn’t have conversions) and in the other its is also correct just missing one step which is writing in base numbers only with no signs then converting I only wrote conversion.What is confusing me is the logic that one step is worth 4 grades and the answer and conversion is worth 1!?

I have a question please be reasonable here….

In my finals We had a math problem from the book that was worth 5 grades (btw the government signed this not our school teachers) the equation was solved on the book to show us a new way of solving it they first solved it without more clarification of signs around some integers then solved it again with the signs where you would get the same answer,on the test i wrote it only with clarification and the correct answer because it didn’t make sense to solve it twice because we were told adding extra can subtract grades aswell, i lost 4 grades out of five for this, is this reasonable or i’m I insane because chatgpt also solved it the way i wrote it

I have a question, I’ve always been the top of my class heck i got top of my grade, in the finals however..
I have a question, I’ve always been the top of my class heck i got top of my grade, in the finals however..

Everyone was not sleeping at all studying 24/7 and practically killing themselves,I didn’t i still took care of my self and studied hard, I got an average of 99.333…..I’m annoyed because I checked all my answers and they’re all right but i’m not allowed to file a complaint or see my answer paper. Some people who studied and didn’t sleep got lower and others got higher, the grade i needed was 95 so everyone is telling me i’m not allowed to to complain but i’m still bothered because all my grades are 100’s except math which proved to be everyone’s worst subject, my question is how can I feel better because I’ve always been kind of a perfectionist.

I have a question, I’ve always been the top of my class heck i got top of my grade, in the finals however..

Everyone was not sleeping at all studying 24/7 and practically killing themselves,I didn’t i still took care of my self and studied hard, I got an average of 99.333…..I’m annoyed because I checked all my answers and they’re all right but i’m not allowed to file a complaint or see my answer paper. Some people who studied and didn’t sleep got lower and others got higher, the grade i needed was 95 so everyone is telling me i’m not allowed to to complain but i’m still bothered because all my grades are 100’s except math which proved to be everyone’s worst subject, my question is how can I feel better because I’ve always been kind of a perfectionist.

Noooo i’m juat saying the games that have issues or bugs do need remakes but the games where the biggest “issue” is the graphics dont need remakes

This isn’t directed to a specific fandom but a couple of them “ not every single good old game needs a remake just let it be,lets get new masterpieces of the same franchise instead of putting more money into remaking an already good game”