I'm sorry for you all, Ranger was the one I was expecting the most and that only lead to a huge disapointment

robin hood was literally a subclass back in the days for the ranger, if I'm not mistaken, the name of the subclass (class kit) was Forest Runner.

comer a carne dele deixa a pessoa com o parasita da preguiça kkkk

yes this, I wanna see this art so badly, I've seen some Druid Warforged art but not a ranger specific one

Don't think you Pivoted enough

if you think any of these will be accomplished you're coping as much as anyone here, we've been waiting for a ranger fix since 2014, they won't get it now, even monks might get nerfed, the UA wasn't even perfect but they will say it's OP, just as much as Favored Foe was OP to be released in Tasha's without concentration (the UA to that, just like here for one DnD, didn't have concentration and was actually good)

Really good art design for all the dragons so far, now all we need is art for all the Dungeons and we are set!

DC 20 rpg has made some efforts in that direction, check out their ranger and you'll see something akin to that.

with the way ranger has been brought up last video, would removing concentration from HM be better than removing the BA casting time? we already know they didn't change concentration, but they could've changed it's effects to be on hit.

doesn't 3d10 equals 16.5 damage, and you're using a 5th level spell and concentration and bonus action in the first round just to do that? and if you're using BM you cannot attack with the beast in the first because you need your bonus action? this is all at level 20 also, that the die becomes a 1d10.

Advantage is great okay, but it's not hard to get many other ways, and doesn't stack

until now most of what we have seen in other classes have been positive and most people liked, as far as I've seen, besides rogue DPR, even so nobody was actually complaining that they weren't fun to use, but rangers hit different, the numbers are there, they always were, but besides deft explorer, roving and tireless (all we had before), nothing of the new changes is exciting to play, weapon masteries is an okay feature but that's not exclusive to ranger (and apparently you pick Nick or you won't get much).

IMO Hunters Mark can be a class feature, but allied to more upgrades and interactions

Primal Awareness and Land Stride removal was criminal for me, they had the potential to be improved and we're at the right place for it.

TBH we've been victims of our own expectations, they said they knew what to do after two UAs, I for one was expecting something new, but it was just frustrated expectation.

imagine they are counting HM? even if they shouldn't

GM Binder é bom também, eu achei melhor que o Homebrewery a longo prazo

not happy we got so little changes besides the ones we've been playing with sinse tashas, the main change was HM and the way they were presented, it leaves me very dissatisfied.

but that's the point, most tables don't expend a whole campaign in one place, even if they did, rangers would also get less as they get a second terrain option, and they're still in the first place.

Travel rules to interact just with the ranger would make every other class wanting those to be skipped, I don't know how they could make it fun for everyone while making ranger the better at it

favored terrain bonus sounds good on paper, problem is that most tables travel a lot, so you loose all of that bonus really easy, and you stay with nothing, this was always the problem

thanks, glad to see that you like it, Beast Master is such a classic, I'll eventually make my way through the published subclasses, maybe just to adjust them to this base class.

but that's almost just the Tasha's rangers, deft explorer, roving and tireless are the most flavorful ranger changes but we've had that for 4 years now, so nothing is new or exciting

last UA they introduced the idea of adding spells as class features, instead of fixing it on those levels, they just removed them, and now there's nothing on those levels, that's fking sad.

speaking of spells, do we know if the HM spell does damage every attack of is it the version that does it once per turn, it would be really funny if the level 20 ranger, all they got was from 1d6 per round to 1d10, since the last play test the free castings of HM was only the spell level 1 version

that's the sad part, every single class got better or at least new or at least exciting stuff, but not ranger, even monks did, although after today I don't believe they won't screw up monks too.

Better to play a scout rogue, Yet the fcking again

heya, if anyone wants to check out the homebrew I made before this release expecting their official version to be better: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/mmkgqSFTc1

heya, if anyone wants to check out the homebrew I made before this release expecting their official version to be better: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/mmkgqSFTc1