a sequel from RDR2? either a story on Sadie Adler bounty hunting and her gang life catches up, similarly to John. or alternatively, charles smith in canada in a similar situation. charles would be much sadder because he doesn’t deserve any repercussions. sadie adler would probably be a much more exciting story though.

tbh though, i would much rather a new story unrelated to rdr1 and 2. i would love an rdr3 set in the 1860s wild west. new map, new stories, new characters.

exaclty. compared to 4 and 3 there’s practically no sniping. in sniper elite 4, the first mission allows you to make a 200 metres long shot to take out a target

Which was your least favourite Sniper Elite?

For me it was honestly Sniper Elite 5. It wasn’t even that it was bad but it’s just the only one I haven’t replayed because I simply didn’t enjoy it. The maps were okay, but I didn’t like the setting of France personally. The missions also felt kind of repetitive. I think that is partly because not much has changed since Sniper Elite 4 as they were both set very close together (Italy 4, France 5). Just felt like a less successful copy and paste from Sniper Elite 4. Still managed to be a pretty good game though.

Can’t find architectQUESTION

Playing ark society on Hitman 2 and trying to find the arkian architect but won’t tell me where he is. can someone help?

call of duty themselves confirmed alex mason’s death was canon

yeah ik sad. i agree though it makes more sense

recently confirmed it as canon with release trailer of black ops 6

alex mason is confirmed dead. sad but it actually makes way more sense to the story. why would mason shoot menendez twice in the leg. why wouldn’t mason show up for 30 years?

The ending.

Am I the only one who thinks the ending was extremely anti climatic? The game was being written towards the people behind whoever was listening were government agents doing some top secret experiments, and they may have to be killed after, which is obviously scary. Or maybe even something paranormal, as there was always the constant rustle of leaves as Henry walked, but this was shut down after you go to Wapiti station. I just think the ending could’ve been much better and fitting to the rest of the game.

Call of Duty 3 was like Vanguard but worse. Even blander characters and an even more repetitive plot line. For me Vanguard comes up third worst behind Black Ops 4 at second worst

Call of Duty 3 or Black Ops 4.

Call of Duty 3 was just bland and boring, no memorable characters and basically the same all the way through. Nothing like Call of Duty 2.

Black Ops 4 just tried to change the entire Black Ops timeline, and attempted with mediocre missions, characters and plot. I mean it’s so bad it’s now officially declared non-canon, but even before fans saw it as non-canon.

for me it has to be Private Mellish from Saving Private Ryan. So brutal

i think sally is a military tactic in battle

i have high hopes… the same hopes i felt for mw3

yeah it copied fortnite too much. it thought it could become as popular as chapter one fortnite was, and i think they just forgot that call of duty was just a completely separate game

makarov or shepard honestly.

makarov would play people against each other and not even have to do much, other than shoot up menendez’s house with one kravchenko’s agents and shoot him dead for menendez to find.

shepard simply has power and money. terrorism isn’t funded, but the USMC are, and so are shadow company. he’d be able to overpower and outnumber most of their armies, as long as they’re not Soap and Price, and if not outnumber out skill them

yeah tbh i do agree. why would he just disappear from his son and best friend