Why didn't you just squint? /s

What are you guys talking about, he said the same exact thing in both clips but elaborated more in the second clip....y'all too sensitive.

DDP is right he's the only one born raised and trained in Africa. As a Canadian(montrealer) I love that GSP was trained at Tristar. It would not be the same if he went to train at one if the US gyms.

This is smooth AF.

Damn I'm jealous I didn't think of this.....or know how to shoot an arrow

Lol he's one of the best fighters in UFC history

Holy shit I did not see this coming, Bad Friends x UFC Wow this is top tier stuff from the sub.

But screw the staff for not really helping the guy on top of the Gator, they have more experience with them they should have jumped.on the Gator while be got off.

This dude is such a hero man, like the girl is a badass don't get me wrong but that dude was just there with his kids and risked seriously getting injured to help.some random kiddo, gotta love it.

Fuck the staff there for not helping him, if the dad was not there that girl was losing an arm.


Is it fun when things get heated and the fighters have fun personalities but I never want to see Johnny Walker get a title shot cause hes fun AF to watch, although I appreciate the shit outta him

Boring style?

Have you actually watched his fights the dude bangs, he bangs hard,

Edit:Also what is this the WWE? I don't need an entertaning fighter outside the octagon, I appreciate it but it does not merit who gets a title shot.

Man I was cheering for Mike like crazy here but full respect for Luke the guys a killer.

Love these dudes man they absolutely saved the card

Wish I could understand what they said

So is Kick boxing, but they gotta worry about being taken down here.

Also usually those guys are like 150lbs

As a dad I can say as long as your in a better situation then you were if you stated home, he was probably happy.

Still sounds fucking hard to process.

Wow ok

Not only is there firefighters in that pic talking to the public but when something big happens they usually have Firefighters let the surrounding companies/people know as it's part of the job to inform the public....of course if there is time.

That said why are you even talking about going to a fire house?I'm taking about being curious about an emergency going on around OP and your advice is to go to the fire station and ask what they are doing? 🤷 OP isn't a 7 yearold who wants to see the lights flash, just a guy wondering what's going on around him

Now of course you must be respectful of their time but your acting like I told OP to bother the Firefighters with hoses in their hands.

Oh shut the fuck up and let the guy get paid big bucks for less risk FFS he's getting old.

You should have called the cops that's a perfectly fine reaction.

Oh shit I forgot about the two week camp

I know it was a rollercoaster of a week with the changing of weight class and opponents but I completely forgot he didn't get a full training camp