This is more along the lines of what I expect from her.

She is who I have written all my letters for. But all of my words written here are genuine.

I’m sure she would probably tell you this is one of my masks.

Tell me your sign. We can settle this right here.

I’m sorry but I don’t believe you’re my person

If you were her, I gave it to you in an email

You do you.

I agree with your sentiment that the fleeting aspects of our lives are the most beautiful. Expressing it in this way isn’t for everyone but that’s part of the beauty, isn’t it? Everyone gets to choose how they express or preserve their own beauty.

I will not be posting myself nude. Haha.

Go on then, reach out.

Outside of Reddit. So I know you are who you say you are.

Pretty sure you’re not her. She has all my contact info. There is no reason for her to use Reddit.

Ts are in short supply these days. If you get him back, hold onto him, never let go.

It’s odd to me that you would comment and not message directly.

Not only that, but she has my email and my phone number - she would not waste her time with going through Reddit if she were looking for me.

That being said - for curiosity’s sake feel free to message me and tell me why you think you’re her.

I’m open to rebuilding with you, a clean slate, a fresh start. You’ve just shut me out so I’m not sure how to deal with that. Reach out to me and let’s start over.

Cannot Wait

To be back on the West Coast. It’s been so long and I miss it.I miss the beaches, the mountains, the weather. I’m looking forward to this road trip with this stupid little teardrop trailer in tow. It will be pure freedom. Freedom to live, to visit places I haven’t been in decades, to meet new people, to scope out places I want to live and go to school, to find somewhere to settle down while I build a life.

I was hoping that while on my travels, I’d cross paths with you, but I don’t know where you live now. I don’t know if you’re in a relationship, I don’t know if you have a family. There’s a lot I don’t know about you because we haven’t spoken in a lifetime. I suspect you will keep it that way since you feel I’ve lost my mind. I haven’t, I’m just sad and realizing that I gave you up too easily. I would make it right if you’d let me but now you’ve blocked my email and I’m just going to let it be. You obviously want to keep me out of your life, so that is how I’ll keep it. I’ll respect the hard boundaries you’ve drawn. I’m ok with that. You know how to reach me if you ever feel the need to.

Yes I still love you but I’m going to actively seek out new people for friends or more. I’m not going to dwell anymore on our past, or our non-existent future. I realize that time has come and gone.

I’ll take my philosophy book with me on the road, to ponder life - to let the old-world wisdom influence my thinking and give me big ideas to mull over while I’m in the wilderness of the Cascades seeking solitude from this techno-life. My goal is to change from the inside out. I want and need to change how I perceive my reality. My physical goals are to hike parts of the PCT left unaccomplished - I have much to cover. I’m only 120mi/2650mi. I aim to find myself again and to get out of this delusion that you still love me.

Take care of yourself - be the joyous soul you are. I love you - that will not change.

Ha. That’s good. Shituation lol. I like that.

Thank you. I agree 100%

If my ex asked me to build something new, I’d be willing for sure. We’ve lived a lot of life since we split.

Anyway. OP, I wish you well. Stay positive. And hopefully love comes back into your life.

Thank you. I write mostly for myself - she isn’t looking for me. Good luck.

Hope you get her. I am still cheering you on.

Good luck, friend. Hope you have more success than I.

Hope you have more luck than I do.

To not be sought is to not be wanted

Of Being Hated Exes

Never would have thought we would be in this place where you hated me.

But I see I’ve pushed you to this place.

I just couldn’t accept the fact that you didn’t love me anymore. I couldn’t accept the possibility that you weren’t the one I’d grow old with, have a family with. My ego is still too much, it seems.

I apologize to you for being me. I wish I could change this inside me that you despise so much. I realize now you won’t ever be with me again. Not because I don’t love you, but because I’m not loved or accepted by you anymore.

I truly wish you the happiness I wanted to provide you and so much more.

I wish I were different enough so you’d be able to see me for who I am without being lovesick. You are the love of my life but I guess that doesn’t mean I am yours. I wish I could be more of someone you’d want to be with instead of this person who yearns but will never be.

Seems to be the theme of my entire life.

So, this means I will certainly be alone for the rest of my life - which somehow I’ve known and on a deeper level accepted. I just didn’t want to admit it….who would?

I guess this is truly goodbye, even though I don’t want to admit it. I have to accept it because I can’t fix what you hate about me.

I thought I hated myself before this realization.

No. I’m not unhinged. Or crazy, just facing reality.

  • T

lol…a snob?

She never called me a snob.

Get out of here, scammer.