I was at his regular season cycle. One of my favorite players!

Richard is right up there with Gilbert for me. He really gets the show. It still holds up.

That scumbag will never be forgiven. I can’t even say his name spits

When I say bleachers I just mean the seats behind the outfield. There is usually a giant screen out there. Platooning in baseball is basically righty vs lefty. As a manager you want to have a batting lineup heavy with lefties vs a right hand pitcher, or vise versa. Generally batters hit better off a pitcher who is throwing for the opposite side of the mound.

There is often a giant screen behind the bleachers that will display an array of stats. It usually has the batting order of the team currently batting and a summary of their previous ABs. It also has the current pitcher’s stats such as pitch count, velocity and the type of pitch that was just thrown. Sometimes highlights are played when a player is walking up to the plate or in between innings.of course this varies from stadium to stadium!

Large Marge got you too?

Back in my day, a comedian would tell a joke and the audience would laugh. Now sometimes the audience didn’t like the joke, and they would do what we would call booing. Now booing was sometimes used back in my day as an act of defiance to the person who was speaking, if you didn’t like what the person was saying you would boo.

McDonald’s used to have honey dipping sauce. It’s been stolen from all of us!