"I'm sorry, we have special rules for accounts owned by a head of state."

This. Simply being hyper-conservative in all directions is not necessarily the best move.

"I'm hip because I refer to money as 'coin'."

I’m disappointed by this thread. Brits usually have better humo(u)r than this.

Oh look, another redditor that doesn’t understand the difference between income and net worth.

Pet peeve: Who are all these people upvoting low-effort, non-serious replies?

Just go topless and assert dominance. NTA

I know it's made up, but the story specified the transition happening gradually over a year -- would that still apply?

3.8 what? Could you link a post that explains your setup? Were you the one that used a loan to fund this (hence the "interest to subtract")?

lol this part jumped out at me:

He’s a “director” at their firm (one level below partner)

But maybe some firms do work like that.

The cheapest I got in at was $13.53 (for 48 shares) on April 19.

Avg share price $20.53 (500 shares total), profit of ~$500 (~$2300 dividends, capital loss of ~$1800).

Even in 2008, even for a layperson, I don’t think you deserved sympathy for not realizing that an adjustable rate mortgage will … adjust. (If there is more specific, non-obvious fine print that screwed you, different story.)

lol that sounds like a perfect example of the line in Team America: World Police about how, sometimes, pussies become so full of shit that they become assholes themselves.


Haha yeah I was about to bring that up, I’ve been doubling down as the share price fell. Average price of $20.35, capital loss of ~$2100, total dividends of $2300. Finally in the green!

Whoo hoo! Capital loss down to ~$1800!

OT: I have no idea how that submission was accepted on /r/showerthoughts. They make very clear in the rules that they are strict on what belongs, and this is WAY outside the realm of a shower thought, it's just a general spark for discussion about a controversial topic. Furthermore, it understores the point that showerthoughts and /r/nostupidquestions blur together.

Okay but you'd think that eventually, criminals learn that security guards can't do anything, and police won't either, so insurance companies will realize it makes no difference for theft incidence, and stop giving such discounts...

Heh yeah lawyer shows have everything happening at blindlingly fast speed, and normally you can wave it off as "oh they're not indicating all the big time gaps", but then there was an episode of Suits that explicitly disavows that explanation because, at the end, they're like, "wow, can you believe that when today started, <status quo as of beginning of episode>?" I burst out laughing because, lol no way did that all happen in a day.