EA, I will gladly pay for every alternative uniform

I can’t wait to make Greendale community college

I can’t believe Hamas is in a totally unrelated part of Israel. They’re hiding in the bread now.

My only bae is The Pennsylvania Street bridge

Stop throwing anything into the rivers. It’s not great

It’s about the economy. All three had bad economic numbers. Biden doesn’t on paper.

I mean watch out as in, watch out for them. Not that they’re bad people or a threat.

My brother bought a house on Parkview, which is a little off south homes. He’s had no problems.

That neighborhood OK just watch out for the hookers on Kalamazoo

I agree with you but that doesn’t mean we can’t help single parents. This is a yes and problem. We have to walk and chew bubble gum.

But I can’t make someone be a dad. People suck but we can help with the systemic problems. Universal daycare would go a long way to.

So we need to make anyone who has kid, to forcibly stay married. Outlaw divorce. That will totally fix the problem.

Not low wages making parents work longer hours or have two jobs. Under funded schools, that lack after school’s activities. The death of third places so the kids have no where to go. No, it’s not that, lack of a dad is the problem. Make them stay married. No matter how abusive it gets.

There are systemic reasons that this happened. We can do our best to help that systemic reasons, but personal choice still needs to come in to play.