Source: Pattern recognition.

Some people still have the skill of pattern recognition, I’m sorry you don’t

Both parades are bound by one thing, big sweaty men hugging. Embrace what unites us, not what divides.

Canada was a high trust society until quite recently. Shame what has happened.

McDavid was falling because he had played 28 minutes a night for the majority of the playoffs, his legs were dead. Some of that elite Knoblauch coaching.

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul".

Yeah, I’m going to go ahead and just live my life because I don’t really care about any of that.

Abstaining from one very specific vaccine, while still getting other vaccines does not make someone(or a group) anti-vaccine.

The media made serious cash on Covid. They’ve now tried the same play with “monkeypox” and “bird flu”. Just beating a dead horse until it’s beaten so badly it spontaneously comes back to life through pure irony and dies again.

Can you imagine being in a life threatening situation, you call the police, and two unfit women show up. What a mess. 😅

🎶 And the conn smyyyythe, that’s you just didn’t want. It’s a 2nd place, when all you need is a goal 🎶

F%*k the Oilers

No one cared. Get over it

In 6 months no one will even remember he won the damn thing.

In order to be truly equitable we need to k ow which tribes had it prior to those last 3 tribes and give it to them. Then it will be up to the tribes that had it before the tribes that had it before those tribes that had it to make claim for.

Joe Biden showered with his young teen daughter, this was confirmed in her diary.

Did people not realize we are bringing in millions of people from extremely socially conservative and typically religious regions…. Many Canadians brought this up and were called intolerant or bigoted. They were only trying to help, and now they’ve been proven right.

Liberal policies like mass immigration can not co-exist with Canadian values.

“Play McDavid and Draisaitl 25 minutes a night” isn’t an admirable coaching strategy.

McDavid is 100% playing for a different team come 2025/26

McDavid will be a leaf in 2025/26 and Draisaitl will head to a team in a warm weather climate with better travel. This was the one chance they had.