I can see where you coming from as far as reusing Metallo as a name they could just say he is Metallo 2.0. I was just saying I think I'd like that twist more than removing the tragic origin of Cyborg Superman,or I hope they don't do anything with him yet let Superman win him over then use the original story that would feel even more of a tragic beginning.

I agree that's why I'm kind of hoping that they do a bait and switch instead of being this universes Cyborg Superman they make him into Metallo with this season already introducing Metallo that has nothing to do with Cyborgs and it's biggest thing introduced is it powers source and task force x getting Kryptonite so early in the season plus this Hank Henshaw already having a hate on for Superman the parts are there.

Are they Nerfed by the entity like the lore? If so it'll be rough for my man Superman but I'm sure he'd make it through might actually make for a fun comic book run.

If not he has zero issue I think.

That is actually pretty good for another character's villian in a Batman adjacent characters movie.

Super flare could be fun i think and Kara did have ared ring. I was thinking along the lines of Superman having a blue suoer form and Kara a red one.Superman being a cinnamon roll and Kara is usually being a hot head they would fit the red oni blue oni trope given how close they seem in age in this continuity, they could make them a fun duo.

If they do that I wonder if they will give Kara the red one rather than split him into 2.