I find this to be extremely true. A lot of people perceive things like you’re either Taylor Swift or you’re a musical failure and there’s nothing in betweeen. Which is obviously false

Yeah this is common. Some people will just never care. Don’t let it affect your friendships or relationships. I used to get hung up on this but you have to let it go. Like above poster said go out and find people who are interested in music like you are, and keep it separate.

"Composting in your house is almost as disgusting as having pets"

I try to make stuff I'd want to listen to. But I also do a lot of experimenting, so sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. I think about my past music like a pile of random objects, there's some apple cores and garbage in there, a lot of everyday household items, maybe a diamond or two. In other words, things of various quality. But the finished products aren't really the point for me, I just enjoy the process.

I’ve recorded a lot of music with my band and we almost never use a click. We’re all good musicians and play in time together, and the natural ebb and flow of tempo changes help bring dynamics to the songs. That being said, we do use the click when it makes sense. Sometimes I’ll want to lay down guitar first or guitar comes in before drums or something, so we throw on the click, or we want a super consistent beat or sampled drums or something and we use it then. Or maybe if it’s just not working without a click we try it with a click. Enough with this dogmatic pro-click vs anti-click nonsense. Get you some musicians who can do both and learn to play with and without one. Whatever gives you the best result for that particular song.

Same story for me. My 20s were rough as I went through seasonal work with contractors to consultants etc and I finally landed a great job with local government making good money and I get to hike in nature all the time: it rocks

I’m hoping for a Tonight’s the Night mini-set in Chicago 🙃

Tons of opportunities in northeastern IL in the Chicago region. Eco restoration is big there. And you don’t need a degree for every job.

The boys in blue would rather jack off in their cars or kill innocent POCs all day than lift a finger to enforce any law

I make 70k working in natural resources but GIS is a large part of my job. I know some python and arcade coding too. Think I can switch to a full GIS gig and make 100k? I’ll have a masters next year too… but in natural resources

Millennial here… shop at Aldi and subscribe to a CSA if there’s one in your area. You’ll get boxed goods and shelf stable stuff for way cheaper than the traditional stores and fresh seasonal produce at a low price if you choose the right CSA. Learn to cook and meal prep and avoid prepared foods. I know the grocery situation sucks at most stores but also we need to take personal responsibility for our financial situations at some point. I hate these articles too and the stupid millennial-bashing boomer bait stories but personal responsibility for finances and adapting to a lousy economy is a real skill that has to be developed, not only for our generation but for everyone.

As a millennial this is programmed into my brain. I almost bought a Delta flight on my phone yesterday, got to the checkout and something didn’t feel right so I stopped

Since the car is still under warranty I went in and they just gave me a new head unit, and CarPlay works now. I guess the old head unit was just defective or something

Rocks and Potholes on I-55Ask CHI
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I had Geico insurance before for our two cars. I switched to Progressive and it’s literally half the price with the same coverage. If you stay with the same company they will just keep raising rates and hope you will stick with them. You have to be proactive and shop around every so often. Sucks but that’s how it is.

I had a feeling they would touch on Huberman but a full 25 minutes on him was more than I ever could have hoped for. Just what I needed to get through the rest of the week

They have the Empty Bottle completely mixed up with Schubas in this episode (two Chicago venues)... sigh

Waxahatchee and Kevin Morby are the Hillary and Bill Clinton of indie rock