It's good to be fed your own medicine so that you can see exactly what you are saying. If she hates black people she should look in the mirror and reevaluate.

Nimesahau hiyo methali ya nyani kucheka nyekundu ya Tako ya nyani mwenzake but it applies here both literally and metaphorically.

It's not the pigs... It's marketing and manipulation. The more time you spend in their game the more you generate them money by watching ads or in game purchases. They are trying to milk you dry like you are a cash cow. So they do that by making the game as addictive as possible. It then becomes like the addiction of gambling. It will become harder and harder for you to win and progress through it but that is what will get you hooked.

Games have gone from great and legendary to soulless pay to win types. And its because the developers are milking it dry. Caring about the money instead of making the game more fun; which is why they got the players in the first place.

I saw my favourite game (Hill Climb Racing 2) go this route. It barely had any ads and now you can't even breathe for 2 seconds in the game without seeing one. Why? To incetivise you to buy their monthly vip of course (their ad less premium). It has become near impossible for you to progress in it without paying physical hard earned real money. I deleted my HCR2 account and wiped everything that was saved in the play game cloud after opening my eyes. I was in an endless rat race.

This is why EA is hated. And it's not only mobile games going this route but playstation games as well. They're all about how quickly they can get you to their shop.

Also it's in all social media platforms. They aim to get you hooked as much as possible so they maximise the money they get from you. This is why you see most platforms jumping on the TikTok shorts bandwagon. It's a competition for your time and attention and therefore your money.

Wueh, I didn't intend for this to be this long.

Marry someone you genuinely love and vibe with, if it goes bad, communicate and if it goes bad, break up.

Sasa kwa Nini Uliamua kulipua kwa lift?

True, they'll avoid you like the plague if you don't have vacation/drinking money.

My friends were narcissists who used and abused me. That and I lack the social skills and things just get awkward.

I love you too. You are the best friend I've ever had and I wouldn't trade that for anything. 💀💔

Even on a subconscious level, you've reduced us to animals incapable of thought. So you're saying poor people believe that many of the children they give birth to will die and so give birth to more so as to counter the loss?; like frogs laying many eggs because they know most of them will die.

I wouldn't want to bring 2+ people into this world just because I expect at least one to die. We are not frogs where if one tadpole dies we just Carry on like nothing's happened.

I think poor people who have many children are less educated. And that they don't believe they are poor due to the traditional mindset that equates wealth to the number of children. Them being religious also reinforces this mindset.

We were taught this in Geography back in highschool form 4. Education is definitely a contributing factor. Apart from changing your way of thinking, education 'robs' you of the years you could have been having babies. Educated people understand the financial burden of having a child. Rationally, you would want to maintain and improve your wealth and standards of living, but children cost money; so to increase your wealth you'll have to decrease the number of children you have.

Careers after education are becoming increasingly demanding, and they increasingly punish people who have children. Religion and Education is like fire and water. Where one teaches birth controls and the financial consequences of many children the other teaches the opposite. People use religion to manipulate while in it's purest form, it's only meant to guide. Education enables people to recognize and defend themselves from manipulation.

Personally, the horror stories I've heard here (of people cheating, hiding their children and pretending they have none to their dates, deadbeat dads, narcissist mom's, people intentionally giving others std... Etc), have made me realize that marriage is not it for me right now.

If the people who fought for independence were here now, they would be fighting this government. It's like the homeless veterans in US. They fought very hard for their freedoms and they get zero appreciation. We are still very much (neo)colonised. Our finest products goes abroad and comes back more expensive. People here want to flee for a better life abroad. Very few Kenyans have ever been to our own beach and ocean in Mombasa because it is freaking expensive.

Watu wanacelebrate Madaraka are either very political types or the ones searching for an excuse to drink and party in clubs, in which case they're not really celebrating Madaraka.

Something about exhaustion. Most sharks need to move forward all the time nonstop in order to breathe. He's doing that so that the shark can get energy. Imagine you need to run in order to breathe and you're drowning. Then somebody just moves you out of water into land, you wouldn't have the energy to run so that you could breathe since you are still suffocating. Now imagine another guy moves you to land and carries you while running, you'll then have some energy to continue breathing. That's what the guy is doing

Ni kama huku ndio kutakuwa the next India.

Sorry to be such a negative Nancy but...

The odds of someone helping you in that situation were much higher because you're a woman.

Kenyan Redditors are slightly more educated hence do not fall under the average opinion. Ukiona mtu huku spewing correct factual history and general knowledge of Haiti ujue huyo si average.

The average Kenyan is pretty indifferent to this. The ones closest to average hold negative views .Might simply be because they don't trust Ruto's decisions (if Ruto says x is right then x is definitely wrong). Or because it doesn't affect them directly... A bad trait to have with this government.

Saw a documentary of prison life in Haiti. Apparently over 50% of their population was behind bars before the jail break. The country never really economically recovered from its 2010 Earthquake. Some people there were behind bars for over 5 years just while waiting for a court hearing! The documentary followed a judge who had years of papers for people awaiting hearing. All she had to do was make an approval but she took the working day off. There's no working government there even when compared to ours.

I thought he was trying to find a tunnel.

Makes me wonder just how much of the white stuff is it's blood.

I was told my stool wasn't enough for a stool test. I worked hard for that shit.

I don't have big plans. I would buy a bike and skates some new shoes and clothes that I really want. I would also help my parents. Then try harder to make some more friends.

I've tried thinking of the far future and it's come blank. Maybe build my own home. It's like that software guy who posted here who lived in a bedsitter and luckily got a 6 figure international job asking what to do with all his money.

Whatever went in people's head when cheering and voting for him should be thouroughly studied.