That's exactly why we're in this mess today: too many people not caring until it directly affects them. The laziness of the American voter is the direct cause of all of this misery, and I hope EVERYONE that can votes this November.

No. I want to fix it, not run away from it. 

Yep. They're as annoying as those that made pot their entire personality in high school and then stayed that way for the rest of their lives.

This country is screwed until all of us little people get together and make them stop. We need to stop fighting among ourselves and fight the real enemy, but too many of us believe the culture war bullshit the Republican party separates us with.

They are already at zero credibility, and every Republican judge should be disbarred as they are illegitimate in the first place.

The Republicans in the SCOTUS are a disgrace to America, and the Democrats should be doing EVERYTHING they possibly can to get rid of them. They do not legitimately belong there in the first place.

The first step would be to treat addicts like Human Beings that need help instead of treating them like scum that needs to be thrown in prison. 

Why aren't we Americans having massive protests in the streets over the blatant corruption in the Republican party?

Of course they did! This SCOTUS is a disgrace to both the Constitution and the American people, as all they are are tools for Big Business to further rob the country for their personal gain. This SCOTUS is an illegitimate joke, and it will help the Democrats TREMENDOUSLY if they can slap the Court down before November. This SCOTUS is a slap in the face to nearly a hundred years of progress and it needs to be updated very badly.

That little shit knew exactly what he was doing. 

It's been working for thousands of years, and the people seem content with allowing it. It's depressing.

You just KNOW they'll be some people that won't vote Democrat simply because of her skin color, and that's massively messed up. She's not my favorite politician, but she respects the Constitution and isn't trying to grift us like a certain felon, so she's got my vote all day long. Pissing them off for being racist scumbags is an added bonus.

Still a billion times better than a vote for Trump's lying, predatory, and felonious ass.

It would be if we stuck together instead of finding reasons to hate and be jealous of each other.

Jesus, that's just an absolutely perfect description of where we're at now.

I wouldn't trust Elon Musk as far as I can spit a cow. His only concern is himself and he should not be trusted by our government.

I think the LGBTJew comment up top was the winner lol.

Apparently it is, as that is the man the voters chose to represent them, and they have made no attempt whatsoever to recall him. I wonder if he'll be reelected? His next election will show who Ohioans really are.

That's because a lot of people that say that truly mean it.

Of course they did. This SCOTUS has made a mockery of the very principles we claim to hold as Americans and they have went all in for using politics for personal profit.

Ouch. It only hurts so much because it's true. Outside of the cities may as well be Afghanistan in the US.

I don't blame the porn sites for kids getting in them, but I certainly blame the parents for letting their kids use their computers for porn.