What's bike for ? Are you doing a midrive or hub?.

That cheap heavy CCM with a outdated wheelsize , cheap drivetrain , cheap fork and rear suspension is a really , really terrible candidate for mid-drive.

It's a better candidate to convert to a hub motor commuter bike..

If you can afford a prebiilt e-bike I would say go for it ..but you might also consider buying a new bike and e-bike kit separately as you will usually get a far better quality bike and components than cheap prebiilt ebikes.

You can get a good mtb( hardtail) with modern drivetrain/ wheelsize /fork and geometry for around 1000$ ,kit prices vary depending on specifics but you could end up with a better than prebiilt bike for slightly more....not including battery..so maybe more than slightly , but still reasonable for what you end up with.

Edited# Addendum: everything I stated was on the assumption that you didn't want to spend 5000$+ on a new bike ..over a certain price point you will definitely get a better integrated and better equipped bike than you could easily build yourself..if my assumption was incorrect I apologize, my suggestions can safely be ignored.

Yeah..I hope so. I have no issues with Joe personally and trust the team he has in place , but , the denial I'm hearing among some democrats that his health and cognitive concerns are no big deal , are far too similar to the responses I heard when anyone raised concerns about some of the issues with Hillary......

Those if us who understand the stakes would vote for Joe with few concerns...that's not the case for a huge number of voters that are required to do what needs to be done with the SC and legal accountability for those working to undermine the constitutional underpinnings of the republic in the service of authoritarian theocracy.

It's a problem that could very well put trump back in the Whitehouse.

Personally I'm hoping for Big Gretch to absolutely destroy trump ....but there are certainly other competent democrats who could win.

Fingers crossed that whatever the outcome it's truly to best decision to win a election the US/ world can't afford to lose.

Not sure .... My concern would be insuring taxation doesn't destroy the churches not supported by corporate or political interests and leave us with only for profit churches and make issues with problematic behavior and accountability much , much worse.

That's what happened with both me and my wife ...I'm a boring center left liberal and she's a reliable NDP sometimes Green voter but we both voted con. the first time we voted.... Not sure how common this might be but yeah I think you could be correct.

There is a very real opportunity for the NDP here as well.

.........The shows host stated that he thinks Joe should step down and let something new else run....this is a huge problem and I'm hearing the same glossing over a legitimate problem I heard during Hillary's campaign...

Edited# spelling

Perhaps someone , when the object was retrieved, put it in their pocket?

Do you think these folks have realized just how effectively they have undermined support for the cause they are claiming to champion, even from communities that should be natural allies.?

Monkey in Space

Kewl.....Hey man , have you ever considered why a black hole singularities stabilize contraction at 10*-33nm rather than simply evaporate? .

I don't have a answer.

How would we tell the difference between disclosures of real information and manufactured lies?

What's needed is systematic scientific study on the few points of data that we can evidence , verify on various degrees of confidence and build maths/models around.

For instance..in regards to the tic tac footage and combined with publicly released witness information , could we not generate a movement, velocity model and by that estimate the energy required by a system to generate the witnessed behavior thus indicating means of energy production , materials and information processing required to manage said energy/ propulsion systems ?.

Why is no one doing this basic science?...and why can't I or anyone else get a job generating good science on this??

My wifes and my sighting was est. 7 seconds at very close range..around 100m.

No one expects to look up and see a what looks like a large ball of orange plasma passing just above a low cloud layer.

So close I could see small filaments of plasma on the edge of whatever we saw and differences in color that suggested internal structure.

That should be impossible btw.. energetic plasma that size , interacting with the atmosphere should produce highly energetic reactions...so?

Anyway ,still have no idea what we saw but yeah , didn't want to look away for a second let alone try to get a photo...

That sighting felt like a gift just for us,it was allowed rather than random( no I have no way to prove that , just intuition)....didn't and don't care if anyone else validated whatever we experienced , just very grateful I witnessed something so interesting.

Not sure why people are responding as if this studies conclusions represent a binary choice between plant based or meat based.

Individual need while training and recovering should be the metric , not a ideological position.

Anecdotally , my recovery , including muscle soreness , was far longer and far worse when I was relying almost solely on a plant based.

The mix that worked for me and the specifics of my epigenetic potential /physiology/metabolism was consuming majority plant based foods but mixing in high quality low fat protein regularly as my body required or injury/ recovery dictated.

Also I accidentally discovered that morning of event If I had a big plate of fatty sausage ,bacon or ham, eggs , hash browns, pancakes,etc...as breakfast , it seemed to supercharge my endurance and give super strong energy for finishing a 3 + hour event end effort.( XC mtb/road racer)

I'm almost certain that there is no one size fits all in regards to athlete diet..general rules yes , but individuals need specific individual requirements in fueling / nutrition.

Yeah....not like trump would welcome reactionary civil disobedience as a justification to declare martial law and suspend constitutional protections...

That's referred to as Scientific Democracy with each citizens legally empowered and regulated personal ai agent /proxy being polled and voting on individual line items/issues

Unfortunately the current data set centered integration of ML/Ai has proven susceptible to mirroring our existing biases and cultural/intellectual/psychological/sociological limitations to such a degree as to generate outright nonsensical or dangerous to human safety outputs.

Perhaps someday we could adopt Scientific Democracy but currently its far more likely that ML/ Ai will be used as a tool of authoritarian suppression, surveillance and manipulation than in support of individuals representative democratic autonomy and free informed choice.

Agree , but for folks that are swayed by theatrics ( not a small number of people , including people we need to vote for Joe) , last night was a absolute disaster.

Looks like someone around Joe was having the same thoughts I was , so yeah , might have just been bad night or whatever...he is having press conference now and likely far more frequently ......unless as you say we get more of what we saw last night ...