You are 100% correct. Whenever somebody complains about crowds or not being able to get gigs, my main question for them is what gigs they go see. Are you out there networking with bands, bars, venues and sound engineers? What are YOU doing to increase your visibility? If nobody knows who you are, nobody is going to know who you are.

I am so disappoint he didn’t have a pom in his ass.

Accordions are really big, very heavy, and expensive.

A concertina is much closer to what Op is looking for, IMO.

You could do a version in your basement. All you need is a bacterial infection like tuberculosis, put it in a Petri dish, then put a gradient of antibiotics concentration. You just have to feed it and let it become immune to them.

Do that a dozen or so times and you’ll end up with a super resilient strain of an already transmissible, fatal disease.

Cut/rip Thumbnail. Should I see a doc?


On Monday night, I reached into a plastic toolbox and caught the corner of my thumbnail on a small plastic hook, which dredged up the side of the nail. The nail looks fine, but my thumb does not.

I washed it thoroughly with soap and water, put some hydrogen peroxide on it to sterilize (didn’t have rubbing alcohol), dried and bandaged with neosporin. I change the bandage 2x a day.

I don’t see any signs of infection, however, it appears the nail bed or something is sticking up over the side of the nail. It is still live flesh (can feel a tissue brush it) and I thought it would recede once the swelling went down. It’s like if you grabbed the skin on the side of the nail and turned it inside out, a little.

I’m traveling until Sunday. Should I see a doctor now, wait until Monday, or just continue with the bandaging routine?

8-12hrs max?! Are you skipping every dialogue and cutscene?

Pictomancer does an absolute truckton of burst damage and often rips aggro early in the fight on packs.

Is the PSU from the same region as the board? If so, test it with a tester. They are less than $20 from Amazon and last forever.

Looks like the board is toast. I can’t tell based on this pic, but it looks like the PCI slot is melted too. If you had something plugged in there, check that for damage as well. Check for anything that was touching the board and shouldn’t be (extra mounting standoffs for a different board configuration for instance). Check the back of the board for burn marks as well. Any dark spots are arc points. If you see those, something was touching it or very close to it.

Well that sounds like my personal hell.

It’s always water. Whenever there is a city, there is or was a fresh water source. Once you’ve settled and own a whole bunch of land around a water source, there’s risk in moving to some place “nicer” but being less wealthy.

Nothing. There won’t be any chaos until January. This will be slow until 2025-2029.

The Supreme Court appointees are partisan and they should not be. Some of them even lied in their congressional hearing saying that Roe v Wade was “settled law” yet ruled to overturn. I’m not happy with a judge that will say whatever they think will get them a lifetime appointment and then do the opposite.

You like them because they agree with you. I dislike them because they aren’t doing their jobs; neutral rulings.

Every main numbered game is its own self-contained world and story. The themes are similar (crystals, chocobos, Cid as an airship mechanic), but there’s not really anything important that carries through.

FFXIV is a little different in that they do callbacks for fans. Some things will take influence from previous games as a wink/nod, but don’t worry about it.

It’s an interesting concept. Effectively, you’re measuring the fret height of the lowest fret and setting a file jig to that height, then filing each one down to that exact height. Certainly sounds like that should work to a non-luthier like myself. That would also explain why you wouldn’t need to straighten the neck first.

If you’re doing a whole neck, I don’t think I would do it 1 fret at a time. Do the whole thing with 150grit, then go back with the 240 grit to crown. Should speed up the whole process.

Meh. I wouldn’t worry what other people think you’re doing. You do you.

Sounds like he’s just pushing the mids really hard with a fuzz pedal. EQ is probably your best friend here. Cut at 100hz and lower. Cut highs at 4k+, slam the mids around 600hz into any crunchy amp and that’ll probably do it.

IMO, mental practice is important.

Have you ever been stuck on a boss in a video game and quit only to come back the next day and beat it first try? That’s because your brain needed time to organize all the information and form up a plan. This same thing happens with guitar.

When you’re practicing and make a mistake, play it slower and correctly. Play it as slow as you need to play it mistake free. Always end the session playing it correctly because that’s what your brain will dwell on while away.

You can use air guitar to work through some of these things while away from your actual guitar. No worrying about all the micro movements and instead worrying about the macro movements. Sometimes I’ll use my forearm or back of my right hand to work through new patterns I’m struggling with. I don’t think I would’ve made it 25yrs as a gigging musician if I didn’t play a metric ton of air guitar back when I was 16.

Could be a lot of things, but ultimately all guitars have some buzz somewhere sometimes.

The place to start is technique. Make sure you’re fretting as close as possible to the fret, not the middle between two frets. You should have enough pressure so that it doesn’t buzz, but not so much that it pulls the string out of tune. If you buzz on every fret, this is likely the cause.

If you buzz the same fret or frets every time, make sure the guitar is properly set up. This isn’t a one and done thing, but it isn’t something you have to do every day. Once in the spring/summer and once in the fall/winter is plenty as it will shift with humidity. You can learn to do this via YouTube or take it to a shop. Usually, the shop you bought it from will do this for free if you used a local place. Side note: Highly encourage you to use your local shop! It’s a hub for musicians in your area, so get to know the people there.

The last thing is the least likely, which is something fundamentally wrong with the guitar. Could be a construction problem, a high or low fret, neck warp, etc… a local tech will be able to suss that out pretty quickly.


Here’s the thing: Trump voters are voting for him for the same reasons. He does the things they want him to do. They want this Supreme Court. They want more border control. They want a Christian nation. They want all this bullshit.

Edit: Lots of strawman responses here. If you start your comment with “so you’re saying..” you probably about to say something I didn’t. Re-read my post and ask yourself if you’re responding to what I said or you’re about to bring up something I didn’t say.

I get the $100m first? Neat.

Pay a high end private security company to detain the people drawing straws and dig me up immediately. Nothing says I have to be in there for 6 hours; only that these people won’t do it before 6hrs is up.