She's so awesome, I love when they use that dress piece, so super happy to have it pop up in BaM. Plus the swimmers torso can be useful too

These are part of the Q3 BaM lineup. Getting mine tomorrow!


Usually the fabric capes and flags are packaged together, so you're paying for them all, correct me if I'm wrong though. This is how it is with them in 10305 LKC, and I believe Rivendell as well?

I snagged a couple sets I wanted for the figs. Would have got more but the price was crazy. I later picked up the game actual and bunch of discounted sets, then later later platinum'd it after much frustration with the Portal speed run trophy. Wish Dimensions would have lasted longer though, so much potential, and figs we only would have got there

I hate the naming convention for colours on PaB, Bricklink has it right. Getting real sick of accidentally ordering wrong colour on things

Lol no one forgot about brittle brown, it's still an issue on second hand market

Right?! An interesting sub for sure. Made me feel real bad for Furiosa.

I'm more interested in the box office than the movies themselves tbh, but I've been hanging out over on /r/boxoffice a lot lately lol

I saw the Marvels on a plane trip, wasn't bad at all. GotG3 was the last mcu movie I saw in theatres, Thor 4 kinda killed my love of the brand, but we'll see how it goes with their refocus now

Same. I've been in a real funk with not like much anything Marvel lately, and haven't been to a theatre since Mario. I'm super super hype for this and will def be going to the theatre, potentially twice if it's decent

Jfc, how many innocent Ukrainian lives were needlessly lost in the meanwhile. What a tone deaf stupid fuckin comment

I mean, he's The Watcher, there should be no culmination at all. Wtf you doing Marvel, it's What If, stop over thinking it

Score! I was able to pull 2 goat herds today. I swear it feels like I'm the only collector in my town sometimes

I said that yeah, am waiting to see if they cancel mine as well. Goats will be available for years on there, no rush in placing a whole new order now for just goats I can get whenever later ya know

Blah, waiting for my cancel email as well. I only wanted 5. I'm sure everyone who ordered hundreds helped them make this decision

I saw the post yeah, and as I've said, I've already placed an order for goats that is still good to go so far

I'm still waiting to see if they cancel my order. Got five at the way lower rate and already paid. Shame if they do as now I'd have to wait for restock to attempt to order

I'm an expat living in NL, is this why there was so many cars honking last night?!? I know the big Euros thing is happening and there are orange flags and Turkish flags everywhere too, so I assumed it was either soccer or a holiday of sorts

It's set 8191. What else would you want to know about it? Lego link bot will reply to this with info