Reguardless of our different opinions you should totally try dos2. At the end of the day they are very similar, even at a soundtrack level


Im sorry but i just disagree at a fundamental level. There is nothing more disapointing to me in BG3 than spending literally HOURS AND HOURS scavenging every container, every hidden brick, every little corner of the map for treasure, which is everywhere, only to keep finding items that are either copies of stuff i already own or interesting sounding items that just arent better than that one unique i got way back in act1 or early act2. And lets be honest, more than half the time your just finding gold or consumables. (both of which are entirely pointless since the game is too easy anyway)

The amount of times you replace your gear in bg3 is hillariously bad. To the point that it makes it completly pointless to even have a gear and loot system. (i ran most of the game with A LOT of gear you find exploring act1...)

DOS2, even if its too much for some people, at least rewards you for exploring and talking to every npc/vendor with new opportunities to gear up, and provides enough of a challenge that you DO want to upgrade your gear as often as possible.

I just dont understand this whole sense of attachment to a piece of gear you seem to imply has value. We just think differently at a fundamental level.

With that said, and before i get attacked by some random person that thinks im shitting on the game, im not, i love the game, but for entirely different reasons than the ones that DOS2 does better, in my opinion.

How is B a bad thing? The opposite (bg3) makes looting a boring chore because you know in 99/100 containers you open you will only find garbage that is only remotely comparable to something you got in act1 or 2...


Personally im of the exact opposite opinion. DOS2 Combat > BG3.

Progression in dos2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> BG3

And items and looting > bg3

BG3 is just more cinematic and has a lot of QOL fixes.

...both are fantastic games though.

In my head canon i think both of zeffs versions of events are true.

He got stuck in the wreckage, used the anchors to break his leg to deform it enough to free himself and then finished the job with a rock and ate it. Works for both manga and anime imo.


Obviously the rise of smartphones and social media made people more aware of shit that had already been happening, its why a lot people think we are living in chaos even though statistically we are are living a lot more peacefully than most if not all previous generations.

But to take the blame of a lot of tension nowadays off from social media is ridiculous.

Just look at the rise of the anti vaxxer movement as an example. Who do you think is creating bubbles of misinformation and and spreading them like wildfire? Go click on a few antivaxxer and conspiracy links on your algorithmic social media feeds and see how quickly that shit multiplies.

You are wildly naive about the role social media is currently playing in society.

...right, and where is all the camera footage being dumped again? How is it being shared? Where does it get discussed endlessly often misinterpreted and without proper context?

And lets stop pretending like all the stupid shit happening in bubbles of the internet has camera footage to back it up.

Here is an exercise for you today. Sit in your classroom/office or whatever public place and pay attention to how many times you hear people go on a rant about a headline they read on some clickbait bullshit they saw on facebook.

Now go back 20 years and wonder how long it would have taken you to hear about whatever that story was that was riling people up, if you ever even would have heard of it.

Also think about the amount of times the headline is way more inflamatory than the content of the article. Because the headline is meant to obviously draw clicks on social media...


Morbius is bad enough that we can give Jared Leto a pass and the movie is still terrible.

Sony + Live action anti heroes/villains is already a losing formula

Its like someone took all the bad parts of a generic super hero movie, the disposable villain that you never see again, the preocupation on building a franchise rather than worrying about making a good movie first and the terrible cgi boss fight at the end and made only those parts into an entire movie franchise.

Whats wrong with playing yourself when yourself is what most people want you to do? Including the famous directors and producers hiring you? The writers writing roles for you? etc..?

Yea he peaked 20 years ago and is one of those kinds of celebrities that became insufferable in the digital world when you realize his whole persona has no off button and that there is such thing as too much Will Smith and obviously all the looney stuff from his marriage and religious beliefs but being himself is exactly what made him famous in the first place...

Morgan Freeman is also himself in every movie yet you probably would never throw that against him.

Hu how does it compare in the slightest. These 2 have a complete different history than cersei and catelyn.

No arc was ruined but everything since enies lobby has been slowly going down in quality due to the spacing between manga and anime creating pacing issues.

Really not a fan of the wano heavy ink style and dbz auras but it had some really peak episodes too so...

I just wish they were consistent man... the difference the good episodes and bad ones is too big.

Dont go expecting him to change if you get better at the game. He sounds like your typical sore loser, hell worse than typical one if he does not expect a newbie to play like a newbie.

Obviously when i say powerfull fruit user i am includding his planning. Mister 3 is like batman. With preparation he can beat giants who can withstand gorosei a bit and one shot sea kings.

According to your definition of "keeping up" nami is currently keeping up with one.

Oda put plenty of stuff in little garden to prove that the giants were strong as hell from the get go. I dont see any influence from power creep at all, its very believable that any feat they performed recently puts them in the same realm as Little Garden.

They fought everyday for 100 years, had literally just fought on the same day that they got tricked into further hurting each other, then succumbed to a pretty powerfull fruit user, sure mr3 himself is a bit of a comedy act but his fruit is powerfull and he uses it well.

Hell he nearly solod half the crew while improvising in the middle of dealing with giants.

And what they did to the sea king is one of the wildest feats in all of one piece...

Look im not defending Mel in the slighest, but if you read this whole story something smells fishy here...

Say what you will about the guy but usually he isnt exactly shy of admitting to his piece of shit views. Even when he goes on apology tours he doesent ever try to deny what he said, and he has said worse things, why would he go out of his way to deny this one in particular?


My guy you need to separate the art from the artist else there will be little art left to apreciate. Specially when you consider older artists. Its not up to us to keep him in check. We are just looking at the work of hundreds of people that just happen to include Mel Gibson in the credits too.

The % of elite hollywood or music industry people who were pieces of shit is much much higher than we would all like to admit.

It takes a certain level of narcissism as a base level just to be in a career where you know if you succeed you will majorly in the public eye.

With that said, Mel Gibson is a very talented director and starred in a lot of the 90s classics, no amount of crazyness will change that, hell i would watch a movie directed by him even today. Southpark put it best...

If you are looking for validation in your elden ring problems, then asking a public forum, where your subject to the opinions of people who had no issues with the game, is not the right place.

Im having a lot of frame drops in the elden ring dlc too for the record. Also RTX series 4000. Had to lower graphics to medium to reduce the problem, i say reduce because its still happening.

The average person doesent understand that just because they arent seeing a problem on their end it doesent mean there isnt one.

Ok screw it ill bite, what other game in a similar state received unfair criticism?

Nah dont blame your age just yet, blame steam for allowing so much shovelware into its library, so many unfinished games (early access...) and so many developers turning popular franchises into microtransaction storefronts that its too boring and hard to sift through all the bullshit to find actual gems.

Sales have been straight up worse too.. soo many old full price games with no proper discount...

I have had factorio on my wishlist for literal years and it actually has just been going up in price xD

PCs and dial up routers became common place in the mid 90s but the internet itself predates that by at least 10 years or more, possibly even 20. (both my parents worked in offices with terminals that were connected to the mainland via internet in the mid 80s)

I got my first pc in 97, which already came with a modem and my family were very very late adopters. (at one point i was already planning to take computer science in college and still didnt have a home pc...)

Nightmare fuel tbh. Yeah ok your rich, good looking, famous, everyone has an opinion about you, good or bad, everyone wants to interact with you negatively or positively, doesent matter which.

Even most of the most famous singers currently and movie stars can probably be more anonymous than he is. I guarantee you most of the people the age of my parents have no idea who taylor swift is but they sure as hell can recognize Ronaldo at a glance.

There was a video of a few years back of him desguised as an old man doing tricks in a public square somewhere and he gathered some attention sure, there was a couple of pedestrians around him watching the tricks he was doing with the ball, but when he revealed himself it was fucking crazy how fast he was swarmed by dozens of people.

And the guy had pretty good aim! I mean he missed but only because of how good the dodges were.

He sure likes to bring up the MIT uncle a lot. Like that makes him any smarter somehow.

The fookin blackfish! These castings are so goated. S1 included.